Inns and Taverns of Old London by Henry C. Shelley
Preface and contentsChapter 1: Famous Southwark Inns
Unique among the quaint maps of old London is one which traces the ground-plan of Southwark as it appeared early in the sixteenth century. It is not the kind of map which would ensure examination honours for its author were he competing among schoolboys of the twentieth century, but it has a quality of archaic simplicity which makes it a more precious possession than the best examples of modern cartography. Drawn on the principle that a minimum of lines and a maximum of description are the best aid to the imagination, this plan of Southwark indicates the main routes of thoroughfare with a few bold strokes, and then tills in the blanks with queer little drawings of churches and inns, the former depicted in delightfully distorted perspective and the latter by two or three half-circular strokes. That there may be no confusion between church and inn, the possibility of which is suggested by the fact that several of the latter are adorned with spire-like embellishments, the sixteenth-century cartographer told which were which in so many words. It is by close attention to the letter-press, and by observing the frequent appearance of names which have age-long association with houses of entertainment, that the student of this map awakens to the conviction that ancient Southwark rejoiced in a more than generous provision of inns.
Such was the case from the earliest period of which there is any record. The explanation is simple. The name of the borough supplies the clue. Southwark is really the south-work of London, that is, the southern defence or fortification of the city. The Thames is here a moat of spacious breadth and formidable depth, yet the Romans did not trust to that defence alone, but threw up further obstacles for any enemy approaching the city from the south. It was from that direction assault was most likely to come. From the western and southern counties of England, and, above all, from the Continent, this was the high road into the capital.
All this had a natural result in times of peace. As London Bridge was the only causeway over the Thames, and as the High street of Southwark was the southern continuation of that causeway, it followed that diplomatic visitors from the Continent and the countless traders who had business in the capital were obliged to use this route coming and going. The logical result of this constant traffic is seen in the countless inns of the district. In the great majority of cases those visitors who had business in the city itself during the day elected to make their headquarters for the night on the southern shore of the Thames.
Although no definite evidence is available, it is reasonable to conclude that the most ancient inns of Southwark were established at least as early as the most ancient hostelries of the city itself. To which, however, the prize of seniority is to be awarded can never be known. Yet on one matter there can be no dispute. Pride of place among the inns of Southwark belongs unquestionably to the Tabard. Not that it is the most ancient, or has played the most conspicuous part in the social or political life of the borough, but because the hand of the poet has lifted it from the realm of the actual and given it an enduring niche in the world of imagination.
No evidence is available to establish the actual date when the Tabard was
built; Stow speaks of it as among the most ancient
of the locality; but
the nearest approach to definite dating assigns the inn to the early fourteenth
century. One antiquary indeed fixes the earliest distinct record of the site of
the inn in 1304, soon after which the Abbot of Hyde, whose abbey was in the
neighbourhood of Winchester, here built himself a town mansion and probably at
the same time a hostelry for travellers. Three years later the Abbot secured a
license to erect a chapel close by the inn. It seems likely, then, that the
Tabard had its origin as an adjunct of the town house of a Hampshire
But in the early history of the hostelry no fact stands out so clearly as that it was chosen by Chaucer as the starting-point for his immortal Canterbury pilgrims. More than two centuries had passed since Thomas a Becket had fallen before the altar of St. Benedict in the minster of Canterbury, pierced with many swords as his reward for contesting the supremacy of the Church against Henry II.
What a parcel of fools and dastards have I nourished in my house,
cried the monarch when the struggle had reached an acute stage, that not one
of them will avenge me of this one upstart clerk!
Four knights took the
king at his word, posted with all speed to Canterbury, and charged the prelate
to give way to the wishes of the sovereign. In vain you threaten me,
Becket rejoined. If all the swords in England were brandishing over my head,
your terrors could not move me. Foot to foot you will find me fighting the
battle of the Lord.
And then the swords of the knights flashed in the dim light of the minster and another name was added to the Church's roll of martyrs. The murder sent a thrill of horror through all Christendom Becket was speedily canonized, and his tomb became the objective of countless pilgrims from every corner of the Christian world.
In Chaucer's days, some two centuries later, the pilgrimage had become a favourite occupation of the devout. Each awakening of the year, when the rains of April had laid the dust of March and aroused the buds of tree and herb from their winter slumber, the longing to go on a pilgrimage seized all classes alike.
And specially, from every shires ende
Of Engelond, to Caunterbury they wende,
The holy blisful martir for to seke,
That hem hath holpen, whan that they were seke.
Precisionists of the type who are never satisfied unless they can apply chronology in the realm of imagination will have it that Chaucer's pilgrimage was a veritable event, and that it took place in April, 1388. They go further still and identify Chaucer's host with the actual Henry Bailley, who certainly was in possession of the Tabard in years not remote from that date. The records show that he twice represented the borough of Southwark in Parliament, and another ancient document bears witness how he and his wife, Christian by name, were called upon to contribute two shillings to the subsidy of Richard II. These are the dry bones of history; for the living picture of the man himself recourse must be had to Chaucer's verse:
A semely man our hoste was with-alle
For to han been a marshal in an halle;
A large man he was with eyen stepe,
A fairer burgeys is ther noon in Chepe;
Bold of his speche, and wys, and well y-taught,
And of manhood him lakkede right naught.
Eke thereto he was right a merry man.
No twentieth century pilgrim to the Tabard inn must expect to find its
environment at all in harmony with the picture enshrined in Chaucer's verse.
The passing years have wrought a woeful and materializing change. The opening
lines of the Prologue are permeated with a sense of the month of April, a
breath of uncontaminate springtide
as Lowell puts it, and in those
far-off years when the poet wrote, the beauties of the awakening year were
possible of enjoyment in Southwark. Then the buildings of the High street were
spaciously placed, with room for field and hedgerow; to-day they are huddled as
closely together as the hand of man can set them, and the verdure of grass and
tree is unknown. Nor is it otherwise with the inn itself, for its modern
representative has no points of likeness to establish a kinship with the
structure visualized in Chaucer's lines. It is true the poet describes the inn
more by suggestion than set delineation, but such hints that it was a gentle
that its rooms and stables were alike spacious, that the food was
of the best and the wine of the strongest go further with the imagination than
concrete statements.
Giving faith for the moment to that theory which credits the Canterbury
Tales with being based on actual experience, and recalling the quaint courtyard
of the inn as it appeared on that distant April day of 1388, it is a pleasant
exercise of fancy to imagine Chaucer leaning over the rail of one of the upper
galleries to watch the assembling of his nine-and-twenty sondry folk.
They are, as J. R. Green has said, representatives of every class of English
society from the noble to the ploughman.
We see theverray-perfight gentil knightin cassock and coat of mail, with his curly-headed squire beside him, fresh as the May morning, and behind them the brown-faced yeoman in his coat and hood of green with a mighty bow in his hand. A group of ecclesiastics light up for us the mediaeval church - the brawny hunt-loving monk, whose bridle jingles as loud and clear as the chapel bell - the wanton friar, first among the beggars and harpers of the courtly side - the poor parson, threadbare, learned, and devout (Christ's lore and his apostles twelve he taught, and first he followed it himself) - the summoner with his fiery face - the pardoner with his walletfull of pardons, come from Rome all hot- the lively prioress with her courtly French lisp, her soft little red mouth, and Amor vincit omnia graven on her brooch. Learning is there in the portly person of the doctor of physics, rich with the profits of the pestilence - the busy sergeant-of-law,that ever seemed busier than he was- the hollow-cheeked clerk of Oxford with his love of books and short sharp sentences that disguise a latent tenderness which breaks out at last in the story of Griseldis. Around them crowd types of English industry; the merchant; the franklin in whose houseit snowed of meat and drink; the sailor fresh from frays in the Channel; the buxom wife of Bath; the broad-shouldered miller; the haberdasher, carpenter, weaver, dyer, tapestry-maker, each in the livery of his craft; and last the honest ploughman who would dyke and delve for the poor without hire.
Smilingly as Chaucer may have gazed upon this goodly company, his delight at their arrival paled before the radiant pleasure of mine host, for a poet on the lookout for a subject can hardly have welcomed the advent of the pilgrims with such an interested anticipation of profit as the innkeeper whose rooms they were to occupy and whose food and wines they were to consume. Henry Bailley was equal to the auspicious occasion.
Greet chere made our hoste us everichon,
And to the soper sette he us anon;
And served us with vitaille at the beste.
Strong was the wyn, and wel to drinke us leste.
But the host of the Tabard was more than an efficient caterer; he was
something of a diplomatist also. Taking advantage of that glow of satisfaction
which is the psychological effect of physical needs generously satisfied, he
appears to have had no difficulty in getting the pilgrims to pay their
and having attained that practical object he rewarded his
customers with liberal interest for their hard cash in the form of unstinted
praise of their collective merits, In all that year he had not seen so merry a
company gathered under his roof, etc., etc. But of greater moment for future
generations was his suggestion that, as there was no comfort in riding to
Canterbury dumb as a stone, the pilgrims should beguile their journey by
telling stories. The suggestion was loudly acclaimed and the scheme unanimously
pledged in further copious draughts of wine. And then, to reste wente
until the dawn came again and smiled down upon that brave company
whose tale-telling pilgrimage has since been followed with so much delight by
countless thousands. By the time Stow made his famous survey of London, some
two centuries later, the Tabard was rejoicing to the full in the glories cast
around it by Chaucer's pen. Stow cites the poet's commendation as its chief
title to fame, and pauses to explain that the name of the inn was
so called of the sign, which, as we now term it, is of a jacket, or sleeveless coat, whole before, open on both sides, with a square collar, winged at the shoulders; a stately garment of old time, commonly worn of noblemen and others, both at home and abroad in the war, but then (to wit in the wars) their arms embroidered, or otherwise depict upon them, that every man by his coat of arms might be known from others.
All this heraldic lore did not prevent the subsequent change - for a time - of the name Tabard to the meaningless name of Talbot, a distortion, however, which survives only in antiquarian history.
At the dissolution of the monasteries this inn, which up till then had retained its connection with the church through belonging to Hyde Abbey, was granted to two brothers named Master, and in 1542 its annual rent is fixed at nine pounds. An authority on social life in England during the middle of Queen Elizabeth's reign ventures on the following description of the arrangements of the inn at that period.
On the ground-floor, looking on to the street, was a room calledthe darke parlour,a hall, and a general reception-room called the parlour. This was probably the dining-room of the house, as it opened on to the kitchen on the same level. Below the dark parlour was a cellar. On the first floor, above the parlour and the hall, were three rooms -the middle chamber,the corner chamber,andMaister Hussye's chamber,with garrets orcock loftsover them. Over the great parlour was another room. There were also rooms calledthe Entry Chamberandthe Newe chamber,the Flower de LuceandMr. Russell's chamber,of which the position is not specified.
When, in 1875, the old Tabard, the inn, that is, of George Shepherd's water-colour drawing of 1810, was demolished, making way for the present somewhat commonplace representative of the ancient hostelry, many protests were made on the plea that it was sheer vandalism to destroy a building so intimately associated with the genius of Chaucer. But the protests were based upon lack of knowledge. Chaucer's inn had disappeared long before. It is sometimes stated that that building survived until the great Southwark fire of 1676, but such assertions overlook the fact that there is in existence a record dated 1634 which speaks of the Tabard as having been built of brick six years previously upon the old foundation. Here, then, is proof that the Tabard of the pilgrims was wholly reconstructed in 1628, and even that building - faithful copy as it may have been of the poet's inn - was burnt to the ground in 1676. From the old foundations, however, a new Tabard arose, built on the old plan, so that the structure which was torn down in 1875 may have perpetuated the semblance of Chaucer's inn to modern times.
Compared with its association with the Canterbury pilgrims, the subsequent
history of the Tabard is somewhat prosaic. Here a record tells how it became
the objective of numerous carriers from Kent and Sussex, there crops up a law
report which enshrines the memory of a burglary, and elsewhere in reminiscences
or diary may be found a tribute to the excellence of the inn's rooms and food
and the reasonableness of the charges. It should not be forgotten, however,
that violent hands have been laid on the famous inn for the lofty purposes of
melodrama. More than sixty years ago a play entitled Mary White, or the
Murder at the Old Tabard
thrilled the theatregoer with its tragic
situations and the terrible perils of the heroine. But the tribulations of Mary
White have left no imprint on English literature. Chaucer's pilgrims have, and
so long as the mere name of the Tabard survives, its recollection will bring in
its train a moving picture of that merry and motley company which set out for
the shrine of Becket so many generations ago.
Poetic license bestows upon another notable Southwark inn, the Bear at
Bridge-foot, an antiquity far eclipsing that of the Tabard. In a poem printed
in 1691, descriptive of The Last Search after Claret in Southwark,
heroes of the verse are depicted as eventually finding their way to The
Bear, which we soon understood Was the first house in Southwark built after the
To describe the inn as the first house in Southwark
might have been
accurate for those callers who approached it over London Bridge, but in actual
chronology the proud distinction of dating from post-deluge days has really to
give place to the much more recent year of 1319. There is, preserved among the
archives of the city of London a tavern lease of that date which belongs
without doubt to the history of this hostelry, for it refers to the inn which
Thomas Drinkwater had recently built at the head of London Bridge.
Thomas Drinkwater was a taverner of London, and the document in question sets
forth how he had granted the lease of the Bear to one James Beauflur, who
agrees to purchase all his wines from the inappropriately named Drinkwater,
who, on his part, was to furnish his tenant with such necessaries as silver
mugs, wooden hanaps, curtains, cloths and other articles.
A century
and a half later the inn figures in the accounts of Sir John Howard, that
warlike Jacke of Norfolk
who became the first Duke of Norfolk in the
Howard family and fatally attested his loyalty to his king on Bosworth Field.
From that time onward casual references to the Bear are numerous. It was
probably the best-known inn of Southwark, for its enviable position at the foot
of London Bridge made it conspicuous to all entering or leaving the city. Its
attractions were enhanced by the fact that archery could be practised in its
grounds, and that within those same grounds was the Thames-side landing stage
from whence the tilt-boats started for Greenwich and Gravesend. It was the
opportunity for shooting at the target which helped to lure Sir John Howard to
the Bear, but as he sampled the wine of the inn before testing his skill as a
marksman, he found himself the poorer by the twenty-pence with which he had
backed his own prowess. Under date 1633 there is an interesting reference which
sets forth that, although orders had been given to have all the back-doors to
taverns on the Thames closed up, owing to the fact that wrong-doers found them
convenient in evading the officers of the law, an exception was made in the
case of the Bear owing to the fact that it was the starting-place for
Evidence in abundance might be cited to show that the inn was a favourite
meeting place with the wits and gallants of the court of Charles I and the
Restoration. The maddest of all the land came to bait the Bear,
is one
testimony; I stuffed myself with food and tipple till the hoops were ready
to burst,
is another. There is one figure, however, of the thirties of the
seventeenth century which arrests the attention. This is Sir John Suckling,
that gifted and ill-fated poet and man of fashion of whom it was said that he
had the peculiar happiness of making everything that he did become him.
His ready wit, his strikingly handsome face and person, his wealth and
generosity, his skill in all fashionable pastimes made him a favourite with
all. The preferences of the man, his delight in the joys of the town as
compared with the pleasures of secluded study in the country, are clearly seen
in those sprightly lines in which he invited the learned John Hales, the
walking library,
to leave Eton and come to town
There you shall find the wit and wine
Flowing alike, and both divine:
Dishes, with names not known in books,
And less among the college-cooks;
With sauce so pregnant, that you need
Not stay till hunger bids you feed.
The sweat of learned Jonson's brain,
And gentle Shakespeare's eas'er strain,
A hackney coach conveys you to,
In spite of all that rain can do:
And for your eighteenpence you sit
The lord and judge of all fresh wit.
Nor was it in verse alone that Suckling celebrated the praises of wine.
Among the scanty remains of his prose there is that lively sally, written at
the Bear, and entitled: The Wine-drinkers to the Water-drinkers.
mockingly commiserating with the teetotalers over the sad plight into which
their habits had brought them, the address continues:
We have had divers meetings at the Bear at the Bridge-foot, and now at length have resolved to despatch to you one of our cabinet council, Colonel Young, with some slight forces of canary, and some few of sherry, which no doubt will stand you in good stead, if they do not mutiny and grow too headstrong for their commander. Him Captain Puff of Barton shall follow with all expedition, with two or three regiments of claret; Monsieur de Granville, commonly called Lieutenant Strutt, shall lead up the rear of Rhenish and white. These succours, thus timely sent, we are confident will be sufficient to hold the enemy in play, and, till we hear from you again, we shall not think of a fresh supply.... Given under our hand at the Bear, this fourth of July.
Somewhere about the date when this drollery was penned there happened at the
Bear an incident which might have furnished the water-drinkers with an
effective retort on their satirist. The Earl of Buccleugh, just returned from
military service abroad, on his way into London, halted at the Bear to quaff a
glass of sack with a friend. A few minutes later he put off in a boat for the
further shore of the Thames, but ere the craft had gone many yards from land
the earl exclaimed, I am deadly sick, row back; Lord have mercy upon me!
Those were his last words, for he died that night.
Another picturesque figure of the seventeenth century is among the shades
that haunt the memory of the Bear, Samuel Pepys, that irrepressible gadabout
who was more intimately acquainted with the inns and taverns of London than any
man of his time. That Thames-side hostelry was evidently a favourite resort of
the diarist. On both occasions of his visits to Southwark Pair he made the inn
his base of operations as it were, especially in 1668 when the puppet-show of
Whittington seemed pretty to see,
though he could not resist the
reflection how that idle thing do work upon people that see it, and even
myself too!
Pepys had other excitements that day. He was so mightily taken with Jacob
Hall's dancing on the ropes that on meeting that worthy at a tavern he
presented him with a bottle of wine. Having done justice to all the sights of
the fair, he returned to the Bear, where his Waterman awaited him with the gold
and other things to the value of forty pounds which the prudent diarist had
left in his charge at the inn for fear of my pockets being cut.
Pepys himself incidentally explains why he had so friendly a regard for the
Bridge-foot tavern. Going through bridge by water,
he writes,
my Waterman told me how the mistress of the Beare tavern, at the bridge-foot, did lately fling herself into the Thames, and drowned herself; which did trouble me the more, when they tell me it was she that did live at the White Horse tavern in Lumbard Street, which was a most beautiful woman, as most I have seen.
Yet another fair woman, Frances Stuart, one of the greatest beauties of the court of Charles II, is linked with the history of the Beare. Sad as was the havoc she wrought in the heart of the susceptible Pepys, who is ever torn between admiration of her loveliness and mock-reprobation of her equivocal position at court, Frances Stuart created still deeper passions in men more highly placed than he. Apart from her royal lover, there were two nobles, the Dukes of York and Richmond who contended for her hand, with the result of victory finally resting with the latter. But the match had to be a runaway one. The king was in no mood to part with his favourite, and so the lovers arranged a meeting at the Bear, where a coach was in waiting to spirit them away into Kent. No wonder Charles was offended, especially when the lady sent him back his presents.
Nearly a century and a half has passed since the Bear finally closed its doors. All through the lively years of the Restoration it maintained its reputation as a house of good cheer and a wholly desirable rendezvous, and it figures not inconspicuously in the social life of London down to 1761. By that time the ever-increasing traffic over the Thames bridge had made the enlargement of that structure a necessity, and the Bear was among the buildings which had to be demolished.
Further south in the High street, and opposite the house in which John Harvard, the founder of America's oldest university, was born, stood the Boar's Head, an inn which was once the property of Sir Fastolfe, and was by him bequeathed through a friend to Magdalen College, Oxford. This must not be confused with the Boar's Head of Shakespeare, which stood in Eastcheap on the other side of the river, though it is a remarkable coincidence that it was in the latter inn the dramatist laid the scene of Prince Hal's merrymaking with the Sir John Falstaff we all know. The earliest reference to the Southwark Boar's Head occurs in the Paston Letters under date 1459. This is an epistle from a servant of Fastolfe to John Paston, asking him to remind his master that he had promised him he should be made host of the Boar's Head, but whether he ever attained to that desired position there is no evidence to show. The inn makes but little figure in history; by 1720 it had dwindled to a-mere courtyard, and in 1830 the last remnants were cleared away.
Inevitably, however, the fact that the Boar's Head was the property of Sir
John Fastolfe prompts the question, what relation had he to the Sir John
Falstaff of Shakespeare's plays? This has been a topic of large discussion for
many years. There are so many touches of character and definite incidents which
apply in common to the two knights that the poet has been assumed to have had
the historic Fastolfe ever in view when drawing the portrait of his Falstaff.
The historian Fuller assumed this to have been the case, for he complains that
the stage have been overbold
in dealing with Fastolfe's memory. Sidney
Lee, however, sums up the case thus:
Shakespeare was possibly under the misapprehension, based on the episode of cowardice reported in Henry VI, that the military exploits of the historical Sir John Fastolfe sufficiently resembled those of his own riotous knight to justify the employment of a corrupted version of his name. It is of course untrue that Fastolfe was ever the intimate associate of Henry V when Prince of Wales, who was not his junior by more than ten years, or that he was an impecunious spendthrift and gray-haired debauchee. The historical Fastolfe was in private life an expert man of business, who was indulgent neither to himself nor his friends. He was nothing of a jester, and was, in spite of all imputations to the contrary, a capable and brave soldier.
Sad as has been
the havoc wrought by time and the hand of man among the hostelries of
Southwark, a considerable portion of one still survives in its actual
seventeenth century guise. This is the George Inn, which is slightly nearer
London Bridge than the Tabard. To catch a peep of its old-world aspect, with
its quaint gallery and other indubitable tokens of a distant past, gives the
pilgrim a pleasant shock. It is such a contrast to the ugly modern structures
which impose themselves on the public as Ye Olde
this and Ye Olde
that. Here at any rate is a veritable survival. Nor does it matter that the
George has made little figure in history; there is a whole world of
satisfaction in the thought that it has changed but little since it was built
in 1672. Its name is older than its structure. Stow included the George among
the many fair inns
he saw in Southwark in 1598, a fact which deals a
cruel blow to that crude theory which declares inns were so named after the
royal Georges of Great Britain.
Among the numerous other inns which once lined the High Street of Southwark
there is but one which has claims upon the attention on the score of historic
and literary interest. This is the White Hart, which was doubtless an old
establishment at the date, 1406, of its first mention in historical records.
Forty-four years later, that is in 1450, the inn gained its most notable
association by being made the head-quarters of Jack Cade at the time of his
famous insurrection. Modern research has shown that this rebellion was a much
more serious matter than the older historians were aware of, but the most
careful investigation into Cade's career has failed to elicit any particulars
of note prior to a year before the rising took place. The year and place of his
birth are unknown, but twelve months before he appears in history he was
obliged to flee the realm and take refuge in France owing to his having
murdered a woman who was with child. He served for a time in the French army,
then returned under an assumed name and settled in Kent, which was the centre
of discontent against Henry VI. As the one hope of reform lay in an appeal to
arms, the discontent broke into open revolt. The rising spread from Kent
over Surrey and Sussex. Everywhere it was general and organized - a military
levy of the yeomen of the three shires.
It was not of the people alone, for
more than a hundred esquires and gentlemen threw in their lot with the rebels;
but how it came about that Jack Cade attained the leadership is a profound
mystery. Leader, however, he was, and when he, with his twenty thousand men,
took possession of Southwark as the most desirable base from which to threaten
the city of London, he elected the White Hart for his own quarters. This was on
the first of July, 1450, and for the next few of those midsummer days the inn
was the scene of many stirring and tragic events. Daily, Cade at the head of
his troops crossed the bridge into the city, and on one of those excursions he
caused the seizure and beheadal of the hated Lord Say. Daily, too, there was
constant coming and going at the White Hart of Cade's emissaries. At length,
however, the citizens of London, stung into action by the robberies and other
outrages of the rebels, occupied the bridge in force. A stubborn struggle
ensued, but Cade and his men were finally beaten off. The amnesty which
followed led to a conference at which terms were arranged and a general pardon
granted. That for Cade, however, as it was made out in his assumed name of
Mortimer, was invalid, and on the discovery being made he seized a large
quantity of booty and fled. Not many days later he was run to earth, wounded in
being captured, and died as he was being brought back to London. His naked body
was identified by the hostess of the White Hart, who was probably relieved to
gaze upon so certain an indication that she would be able to devote herself
once more to the entertainment of less troublesome guests.
For all the speedy ending of his ambitions, Cade is assured of immortality
so long as the pages of Shakespeare endure. The rebel is a stirring figure in
the Second Part of King Henry VI and as an orator of the mob reaches his
greatest flights of eloquence in that speech which perpetuates the name of his
headquarters at Southwark. Hath my sword therefore broke through London
gates, that you should leave me at the White Hart in Southwark?
English literature was not done with the old inn. Many changes were to pass
over its head during the nearly four centuries which elapsed ere it was touched
once more by the pen of genius, changes wrought by the havoc of fire and the
attritions of the hand of time. When those years had fled a figure was to be
seen in its courtyard to become better known to and better beloved by countless
thousands than the rebel leader of the fifteenth century. In the
wrote the creator of that figure,
there still remain some half dozen old inns, which have preserved their external features unchanged, and which have escaped alike the rage for public improvement and the encroachments of private speculation. Great, rambling, queer old places they are, with galleries, and passages, and staircases, wide enough and antiquated enough to furnish materials for a hundred ghost stories.... It was in the yard of one of these inns - of no less celebrated a one than the White Hart - that a man was busily employed in brushing the dirt off a pair of boots, early on the morning succeeding the events narrated in the last chapter. He was habited in a coarse-striped waistcoat, with black calico sleeves, and blue glass buttons; drab breeches and leggings. A bright red handkerchief was wound in a very loose and unstudied style round his neck, and an old white hat was carelessly thrown on one side of his head. There were two rows of boots before him, one cleaned and the other dirty, and at every addition he made to the clean row, he paused from his work, and contemplated its results with evident satisfaction.
Who does not recognize Sam Weller, making his first appearance in The
Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club? And who has not revelled in the
lively scene in the White Hart when Mr. Pickwick and his friends arrived in the
nick of time to prevent the ancient but still sentimental Rachael from becoming
Mrs. Jingle? It is not difficult to understand why that particular instalment
of Pickwick was the turning-point of the book's fortunes. Prior to
the advent of Sam in the courtyard of the White Hart the public had shown but a
moderate interest in the new venture of Boz,
but from that event onward
the sales of the succeeding parts were ever on the increase. Sam and the White
Hart, then, had much to do with the career of Dickens, for if
Pickwick had failed it is more than probable that he would have
abandoned literature as a profession.
When Dickens wrote, the White Hart was still in existence. It is so no longer. Till late in the last century this hostelry was spared the fate which had overtaken so many Southwark taverns, even though, in place of the nobles it had sheltered, its customers had become hop-merchants, farmers, and others of lower degree. In 1889, in the month of July, four hundred and thirty-nine years after it had received Jack Cade under its roof, the last timbers of the old inn were levelled to the ground.
Chapter 2: Inns and taverns east of St Paul's
Boswell relates how, in one of his numerous communicative moods, he informed
Dr. Johnson of the existence of a club at "the Boar's Head in Eastcheap, the
very tavern where Falstaff and his joyous companions met; the members of which
all assume Shakespeare's characters. One is Falstaff, another Prince Henry,
another Bardolph, and so on." If the assiduous little Scotsman entertained the
idea of joining the club, a matter on which he does not throw any light,
Johnson's rejoinder was sufficient to deter him from doing so. Don't be of
it, Sir. Now that you have a name you must be careful to avoid many things not
bad in themselves, but which will lessen your character.
Whether Johnson's remark was prompted by an intimate knowledge of the type
of person frequenting the Boar's Head in his day cannot be decided, but there
are ample grounds for thinking that the patrons of that inn were generally of a
somewhat boisterous kind. That, perhaps, is partly Shakespeare's fault. Prior
to his making it the scene of the mad revelry of Prince Hal and his none too
choice companions, the history of the Boar's Head, so far as we know it, was
sedately respectable. One of the earliest references to its existence is in a
lease dated 1537, some sixty years before the first part of Henry IV was
entered in the Stationers' Register. Some half century later, that is in 1588,
the inn was kept by one Thomas Wright, whose son came into a good
was made clerk of the King's Stable, and a knight, and was
a very discreet and honest gentleman.
But Shakespeare's pen dispelled any atmosphere of respectability which lingered around the Boar's Head. From the time when he made it the meeting-place of the mad-cap Prince of Wales and his roistering followers, down to the day of Goldsmith's reverie under its roof, the inn has dwelt in the imagination at least as the rendezvous of hard drinkers and practical jokers. How could it be otherwise after the limning of such a scene as that described in Henry IV? That was sufficient to dedicate the inn to conviviality for ever.
How sharply the picture shapes itself as the hurrying dialogue is read! The
key-note of merriment is struck by the Prince himself as he implores the aid of
Poins to help him laugh at the excellent trick he has just played on the
boastful but craven Falstaff, and the bustle and hilarity of the scene never
flags for a moment. Even Francis, the drawer, whose vocabulary is limited to
Anon, anon, sir
- the fellow that had fewer words than a parrot, and
yet the son of a woman
- and the host himself, as perplexed as his servant
when two customers call at once, contribute to the movement of the episode in
its earlier stages. But the pace is, increased furiously when the burly
Falstaff, scant of breath indeed, bustles hurriedly in proclaiming in one
breath his scorn of cowards and his urgent need of a cup of sack. We all know
the boastful story he told, how he and his three companions had been set upon
and robbed by a hundred men, how he himself - as witness his sword packed
like a hand-saw
- had kept at bay and put to flight now two, anon four, and
then seven, and finally eleven of his assailants. We all can see, too, the
roguish twinkle in Prince Hal's eyes as the braggart knight embellishes his
lying tale with every fresh sentence, and are as nonplussed as he when, the
plot discovered, Falstaff finds a way to take credit for his cowardice. Who
would not forgive so cajoling a vaunter?
It was later in this scene, be it remembered, that the portly knight was
found fast asleep behind the arras, snorting like a horse,
and had his
pockets searched to the discovery of that tavern bill - not paid we may be sure
- which set forth an expenditure on the staff of life immensely
disproportionate to that on drink, and elicited the famous ejaculation - But
one half-pennyworth of bread to this intolerable deal of sack!
But Shakespeare had not finished with the Boar's Head. More coarse and less
merry, but not less vivid, is that other scene wherein the shrill-tongued Doll
Tearsheet and the peace-making Dame Quickly figure. And it is of a special and
private room in the Boar's Head we think as we listen to Dame Quickly's tale of
how the amorous Falstaff made love to her with his hand upon a parcel-gilt
and followed up the declaration with a kiss and a request for
thirty shillings.
For Shakespeare's sake, then, the Boar's Head is elect into that small circle of inns which are immortal in the annals of literature. But, like Chaucer's Tabard, no stone of it is left. Boswell made a mistake, and so did Goldsmith after him, in thinking that the Boar's Head of the eighteenth century was the Boar's Head of Shakespeare's day. They both forgot the great Fire of London. That disastrous conflagration of 1666 swept away every vestige of the old inn. Upon its foundation, however, another Boar's Head arose, the sign of which, cut in stone and dated 1668, is among the treasures of the Guildhall Museum. This was the building in which Boswell's club met, and it was under its roof Goldsmith penned his famous reverie.
As was to be expected of that social soul, the character of Falstaff gave
Goldsmith more consolation than the most studied efforts of wisdom: I here
he continues,
an agreeable old fellow forgetting age, and showing me the way to be young at sixty-five. Sure I am well able to be as merry, though not so comical, as he. Is it not in my power to have, though not so much wit, at least as much vivacity? - Age, care, wisdom, reflection, begone - I give you to the winds! Let's have t'other bottle: Here's to the memory of Shakespeare, Falstaff, and all the merry men of Eastcheap!
With such zest did Goldsmith enter into his night out at the Boar's Head that when the midnight hour arrived he discovered all his companions had stolen away, leaving him - still in high spirits with the landlord as his sole companion. Then the mood of reverie began to work. The very room helped to transport him back through the centuries; the oak floor, the gothic windows, the ponderous chimney-piece, - all were reminders of the past. But the prosaic landlord was an obstacle to the complete working of the spell. At last, however, a change came over mine host, or so it seemed to the dreaming chronicler.
He insensibly began to alter his appearance; his cravat seemed quilled into a ruff, and his breeches swelled out into a farlingale. I now fancied him changing sexes; and as my eyes began to close in slumber, I imagined my fat landlord actually converted into as fat a landlady. However, sleep made but few changes in my situation: the tavern, the apartment, and the table, continued as before: nothing suffered mutation but my host, who was fairly altered into a gentlewoman, whom I knew to be Dame Quickly, mistress of this tavern in the days of Sir John; and the liquor we were drinking seemed converted into sack and sugar.
Such an opportunity of interviewing an acquaintance of Falstaff was not to be lost, and to the credit of Dame Quickly be it said that she was far more communicative than some moderns are under the questioning ordeal. But it was no wonder she was loquacious: had she not been ordered by Pluto to keep a record of every transaction at the Boar's Head, and in the discharge of that duty compiled three hundred tomes? Some may subscribe to the opinion that Dame Quickly was indiscreet as well as loquacious; certainly she did not spare the reputations of some who had dwelt under that ancient roof. The sum of the matter, however, was that since the execution of that hostess who was accused of witchcraft the Boar's Head
underwent several revolutions, according to the spirit of the times, or the disposition of the reigning monarch. It was this day a brothel, and the next a conventicle for enthusiasts. It was one year noted for harbouring Whigs, and the next infamous for a retreat to Tories. Some years ago it was in high vogue, but at present it seems declining.
One other son of genius was to add to the fame of the Boar's Head, the
American Goldsmith, that is, the gentle Washington Irving. Of course
Shakespeare was the moving spirit once more. While turning over the pages of
Henry IV Irving was seized with a sudden inspiration: I will make a
pilgrimage to Eastcheap, and see if the old Boar's Head tavern still
But it was too late. The only relic of the ancient abode of Dame
Quickly was the stone boar's head, built into walls reared where the inn once
stood. Nothing daunted, however, Irving explored the neighbourhood, and was
rewarded, as he thought, by running to earth Dame Quickly's parcel-gilt
in a tavern near by. He had one other find
. In the old
graveyard of St. Michael's, which no longer exists, he discovered, so he avers,
the tombstone of one Robert Preston who, like the Francis of Anon, anon,
was a drawer at the Boar's Head, and quotes from that tombstone the
following admonitory epitaph:
Bacchus, to give the toping world surprise,
Produced one sober son, and here he lies.
Though rear'd among full hogsheads, he defied
The charms of wine, and every one beside.
O reader, if to justice thou'rt inclined,
Keep honest Preston daily in thy mind.
He drew good wine, took care to fill his pots,
Had sundry virtues that excused his faults.
You that on Bacchus have the like dependence,
Pray copy Bob, in measure and attendance.
Small as was the reward of Irving's quest, a still more barren result would
ensue on a modern pilgrimage to the Boar's Head. It was still a tavern in 1785,
for a chronicler of that date described it as having on each side of the
doorway a vine branch, carved in wood, rising more than three feet from the
ground, loaded with leaves and clusters; and on the top of each a little
Falstaff, eight inches high, in the dress of his day.
But Dame Quickly's
forecast of declining fortune moved on to its fulfilment. In the last stages of
its existence the building was divided into two, while the carved boar's head
which Irving saw still remained as the one sign of its departed glories.
Finally came the resolve to widen the approach to London Bridge from the city
side, and the carrying out of that resolve involved the sweeping away of the
Boar's Head. This was in 1831, and, as has been said, the only relic of the
ancient tavern is that carved sign in the Guildhall Museum. But the curious in
such matters may be interested to know that the statue of King William marks
approximately the spot of ground where hover the immortal memories of
Shakespeare, and Goldsmith, and Irving.
Within easy distance of Eastcheap, in Upper Thames Street, which skirts the
river bank, there stood, in Shakespeare's day and much later, a tavern bearing
the curious name of the Three Cranes in the Vintry. John Stow, that zealous
topographer to whom the historians of London owe so large a debt, helps to
explain the mystery. The vintry, he tells us, was that part of the Thames bank
where the merchants of Bordeaux craned their wines out of lighters and other
vessels, and there landed and made sale of them.
He also adds that the
Three Cranes' lane was so called not only of a sign of three cranes at a
tavern door, but rather of three strong cranes of timber placed on the Vintry
wharf by the Thames side, to crane up wines there.
Earlier than the
seventeenth century, however, it would seem that one crane had to suffice for
the needs of the merchants of Bordeaux,
and then the tavern was known
simply as the Crane. Two references, dated respectively 1552 and 1554, speak of
the sign in the singular. Twenty years later, however, the one had become
Ben Jonson, whose knowledge of London inns and taverns was second, only to
that of Pepys, evidently numbered the Three Cranes in the Vintry among his
houses of call. Of two of his allusions to the house one is derogatory of the
wit of its patrons, the other laudatory of the readiness of its service. A
pox o' these pretenders to wit!
runs the first passage. Your Three
Cranes, Mitre, and Mermaid men! Not a corn of true salt, not a grain of right
mustard amongst them all.
And here is the other side of the shield,
credited to Iniquity in The Devil is an Ass:-
Nay, boy, I will bring thee to the bawds and roysters
At Billingsgate, feasting with claret-wine and oysters;
From thence shoot the Bridge, child, to the Cranes in the Vintry,
And see there the gimblets how they make their entry.
Of course Pepys was acquainted with the house. He had, indeed, a savage
memory of one meal under its roof. It was all owing to the marrying
proclivities of his uncle Fenner. Bereft of his wife on the last day of August,
that easy-going worthy, less than two months later, was discovered by his
nephew in an ale-house, very jolly and youthsome, and as one that I believe
will in a little time get him a wife.
Pepys' anticipation was speedily
realized. Uncle Fenner had indulged himself with a new partner by the middle of
January, and must needs give a feast to celebrate the event. And this is Pepys'
frank record of the occasion:
By invitation to my uncle Fenner's, where I found his new wife, a pitiful, old, ugly, ill-bred woman, in a hatt, a midwife. Here were many of his, and as many of her relatives, sorry, mean people; and after choosing our gloves, we all went over to the Three Cranes taverne, and (although the best room of the house) in such a narrow dogg-hole we were crammed, (and I believe we were near forty) that it made me loath my company and victuals; and a sorry, poor dinner it was.
In justice to the Three Cranes, Pepys must not be allowed to have the last
word. That particular dinner, no doubt, owed a good deal of its defects to the
atmosphere and the company amid which it was served. At any rate, the host of
the Black Bear at Cumnor - he of Sir Walter Scott's Kenilworth -
was never weary of praising the Three Cranes, the most topping tavern in
as he emphatically declared.
No one can glance even casually over a list of tavern signs without
observing how frequently the numeral three
is used. Various explanations
have been offered for the propensity of mankind to use that number, one
deriving the habit from the fact that primitive man divided the universe into
three regions, heaven, earth, and water. Pythagoras, it will be remembered,
called three the perfect number; Jove is depicted with three-forked lightning;
Neptune bears a trident; Pluto has his three-headed dog. Again, there are three
Fates, three Furies, three Graces and three Muses. It is natural, then, to find
the numeral so often employed in the signs of inns and taverns. Thus we have
the Three Angels, the Three Crowns, the Three Compasses, the Three Cups, the
Three Horseshoes, the Three Tuns, the Three Nuns, and many more. In the city of
London proper the Three Cups was a favourite sign and the Three Tuns was hardly
less popular. There were also several Three Nuns, the most famous of which was
situated in Aldgate High Street, where its modern representative still stands.
In the bygone years it was a noted coaching inn and enjoyed an enviable
reputation for the rare quality of its punch. Defoe has a brief reference to
the house in his A Journal of the Plague Year.
An attempt to enumerate the King's Head taverns of London would be an
endless task. It must not be overlooked, however, that one of the most notable
houses so named stood in Fenchurch Street, on the site now occupied by the
London Tavern. This is the tavern for which a notable historic association is
claimed. The tradition has it that when the Princess Elizabeth, the Good
Queen Bess
of after days, was released from the Tower of London on May
19th, 1554, she went first to a neighbouring church to offer thanks for her
deliverance, and then proceeded to the King's Head to enjoy a somewhat plebeian
dinner of boiled pork and Pease-pudding. This legend seems to ignore the fact
that the freedom of the Princess was comparative only; that she was at that
time merely removed from one prison to another; and that the record of her
movements on that day speaks of her taking barge at the Tower wharf and going
direct to Richmond en route for Woodstock. However, the metal dish and cover
which were used in serving that homely meal of boiled pork and Pease-pudding
are still shown, and what can the stickler for historical accuracy do in the
face of such stubborn evidence?
Two other Fenchurch Street taverns have wholly disappeared. One of these,
the Elephant, was wont to claim a somewhat dubious association with Hogarth.
The artist is credited with once lodging under the Elephant's roof and with
embellishing the walls of the tap-room with pictures in payment for a long
overdue bill. The subjects were said to have included the first study for the
picture which afterwards became famous under the title of Modern Midnight
but treated in a much broader manner than is shown in the
well-known print. When the building was pulled down in 1826 a heated
controversy arose concerning these Hogarth pictures, which were removed from
the walls and exhibited in a Pall Mall gallery. The verdict of experts was
given against their being the work of the master for whom they were claimed.
The other tavern was one of the many mitres to be found in London during the
seventeenth century. The host, Dan Rawlinson, was so staunch a royalist that
when Charles I was executed he hung his sign in mourning, an action which
naturally caused him to be regarded with suspicion by the Cromwell party, but
endeared him so much to the churchmen that he throve again and got a good
Something of that prosperity was due no doubt to the excellent
of which Pepys was so fond. But Dan Rawlinson of the Mitre
had his reverses as well as his successes. During the dreaded Plague of London
Pepys met an acquaintance in Fenchurch Street who called his attention to the
fact that Mr. Rawlinson's door was shut up. Why,
continued his
informant, after all this sickness, and himself spending all the last year
in the country, one of his men is now dead of the plague, and his wife and one
of his maids sick, and himself shut up.
Mrs. Rawlinson died a day or two
later and the maid quickly followed her mistress to the grave. A year later the
Mitre was destroyed in the Great Fire of London and Pepys met its much-tried
owner shortly after looking over his ruins.
But the tavern was rebuilt
on a more spacious scale, and Isaac Fuller was commissioned to adorn its walls
with paintings. This was the artist whose fondness of tavern life prevented him
from becoming a great painter. The commission at the Mitre was no doubt much to
his liking, and Walpole describes in detail the panels with which he adorned a
great room in that house.
The figures were as large as life: a Venus, Satyr, and sleeping Cupid; a boy riding a goat and another fallen down, over the chimney: this was the best part of the performance, says Vertue: Saturn devouring a Child, Mercury, Minerva, Diana, Apollo; and Bacchus, Venus, and Ceres embracing; a young Silenus fallen down, and holding a goblet, into which a boy was pouring wine; the Scarons, between the windows, and on the ceiling two angels supporting a mitre, in a large circle.
The execution of all this must have kept Fuller for quite a long time amid his favourite environment.
One of the lesser known Cock taverns of London was still in existence in Leadenhall Street during the first quarter of the last century. A drawing of the time shows it to have been a picturesque building, the most notable feature being that the window lights on the first floor extended the entire width of the front, the only specimen of the kind then remaining in London. At the time the drawing was made that particular room was used as the kitchen. From the dress of the boys of the carved brackets supporting the over-hanging upper story, it has been inferred that the house was originally a charity school. Behind the tavern there stood a brick building dated 1627, formerly used by the bricklayers' company, but in 1795 devoted to the purposes of a Jewish synagogue. As with all the old taverns of this sign, the effigy of the bird from which it took its name was prominently displayed in front. Far more ancient than the Cock is that other Leadenhall Street tavern, the Ship and Turtle, which is still represented in the thoroughfare. The claim is made for this house that it dates back to 1377, and for many generations, down, indeed, to 1835, it had a succession of widows as hostesses. The modern representative of this ancient house prides itself upon the quality of its turtle soup and upon the fact that it is the meeting-place of numerous masonic lodges, besides being in high favour for corporation and companies' livery dinners.
If the pilgrim now turns his steps toward Bishopsgate Street Within - the
signifying, of course, that that part of the thoroughfare was
inside the old city wall - he will find himself in a neighbourhood where many
famous inns once stood. Apart from the Wrestlers and the Angel which are
mentioned by Stow, there were the Flower Pot, the White Hart, the Four Swans,
the Three Nuns, the Green Dragon, the Ball, and several more. The reason for
this crowding together of so many hostelries in one street is obvious. It was
through Bishop's gate that the farmers of the eastern counties came into the
city and they naturally made their headquarters in the district nearest to the
end of their journey.
For many years the White Hart maintained its old-time reputation as a
fair inn for the receipt of travellers.
That it was an ancient structure
is proved by the fact that when it was demolished, the date of 1480 was
discovered on one of its half-timbered bays. The present up-to-date White Hart
stands on the site of the old inn.
Far greater interest attaches to the Bull Inn, even were it only for the
fact of its association with Thomas Hobson, the Cambridge carrier whom Milton
made famous. In the closing years of the sixteenth century the house appears to
have had a dubious reputation, for when Anthony Bacon came to live in
Bishopsgate Street in 1594 his mother became exceedingly anxious on his
account, fearing the neighbourhood of the Bull Inn.
Perhaps, however,
the distressed mother based her alarm on the dangers of play-acting, for the
house was notable as the scene of many dramatic performances. That it was the
recognized headquarters for Cambridge carriers is shown by an allusion, in
1637, which reads: The Blacke Bull in Bishopsgate Street, who is still
looking towards Shoreditch to see if he can spy the carriers coming from
Hobson, of course, was the head of that fraternity. He had
flourished amazingly since he succeeded to his father's business in the
university city, and attained that position of independence which enabled him
to force the rule that each horse in his stable was to be hired only in its
proper turn, thus originating the proverb, Hobson's choice,
that is,
this or none.
Despite his ever growing wealth and advanced years, Hobson
continued his regular journeys to London until the outbreak of the plague
caused the authorities to suspend the carrier service for a time. This is the
fact upon which Milton seized with such humourous effect in his poetical
Here lies old Hobson. Death hath broke his girt,
And here, alas! hath laid him in the dirt;
Or else, the ways being foul, twenty to one
He's here stuck in a slough, and overthrown.
'Twas such a shifter that, if truth were known,
Death was half glad when he had got him down;
For he had any time this ten years full
Dodged with him betwixt Cambridge and The Bull.
And surely Death could never have prevailed,
Had not his weekly course of carriage failed;
But lately, finding him so long at home,
And thinking now his journey's end was come,
And that he had ta'en up his latest inn,
In the kind office of a chamberlain,
Showed him his room where he must lodge that night,
Pulled off his boots, and took away the light.
Among the
Familiar Letters of James Howell is a stately epistle addressed
To Sir Paul Pindar, Knight,
who is informed to his face that of all the
men of his times he is one of the greatest examples of piety and constant
and is assured that his correspondent could see his namesake
among the apostles saluting and solacing him, and ensuring that his works of
charity would be as a triumphant chariot
to carry him one day to heaven.
But Sir Paul Pindar was more than benevolent; he was a master in business
affairs and no mean diplomatist. His commercial aptitude he put to profitable
use during a fifteen years' residence in Italy; his skill as a negotiator was
tested and proved by nine years' service in Constantinople as the ambassador of
James I to Turkey. At the date of his final return to England, 1623, the
merchant and diplomat was an exceedingly wealthy man, well able to meet the
expense of that fine mansion in Bishopsgate Street Without which perpetuated
his name down to our own day. In its original state Sir Paul Pindar's house,
both within and without, was equal in splendour and extent to any mansion in
London. And, as may be imagined, its owner was a person of importance in city
and court life. One of his possessions was a great diamond worth thirty-five
thousand pounds, which James I used to borrow for state occasions. The son of
that monarch purchased this jewel in 1625 for about half its value and
successfully deferred payment for even that reduced sum! Sir Paul, indeed,
appears to have been a complacent lender of his wealth to royalty and the
nobility, so that it is not surprising many desperate debts
were owing
him on his death. A century and a quarter after that event, that is in 1787,
the splendid mansion of the wealthy merchant and diplomat had become a tavern
under the names of its builder, and continued in that capacity until 1890, when
railway extension made its demolition necessary. But the beautifully carved
front is still preserved in the South Kensington Museum.
While there may at times be good reason for doubting the claims made as to
the antiquity of some London taverns, there can be none for questioning the
ripe old age to which the Pope's Head in Cornhill attained. This is one of the
few taverns which Stow deals with at length. He describes it as being
strongly built of stone,
and favours the opinion that it was at one time
the palace of King John. He tells, too, how in his day wine was sold there at a
penny the pint and bread provided free. It was destroyed in the Great Fire, but
rebuilt shortly after. Pepys knew both the old and the new house. In the former
he is said to have drunk his first dish of tea,
and he certainly enjoyed
many a meal under its roof, notably on that occasion when, with Sir W. Penn and
Mrs. Pepys, he eat cakes and other fine things.
Another, not so
pleasant, memory is associated with the Pope's Head. Two actors figured in the
episode, James Quin and William Bowen, between whom, especially on the side of
the latter, strong professional jealousy existed. Bowen, a low comedian of
some talent and more conceit,
taunted Quin with being tame in a certain
role, and Quin retorted in kind, declaring that Bowen's impersonation of a
character in The Libertine was much inferior to that of another
actor. Bowen seems to have had an ill-balanced mind; he was so affected by
Jeremy Collier's Short View that he left the stage and opened a
cane shop in Holborn, thinking a shopkeeper's life was the readiest way to
But he was on the stage again in a year, thus resuming the career
which was to be his ruin. For so thoroughly was he incensed by Quin's
disparagement that he took the earliest opportunity of forcing the quarrel to
an issue. Having invited Quin to meet him, the two appear to have gone from
tavern to tavern until they reached the Pope's Head. Quin was averse to a duel,
but no sooner had the two entered an empty room in the Cornhill tavern than
Bowen fastened the door, and, standing with his back against it and drawing his
sword, threatened Quin that he would run him through if he did not draw and
defend himself. In vain did Quin remonstrate, and in the end he had to take to
his sword to keep the angry Bowen at bay. He, however, pressed so eagerly on
his fellow actor that it was not long ere he received a mortal wound. Before he
died Bowen confessed he had been in the wrong, and that frank admission was the
main cause why Quin was legally freed of blame for the tragic incident in the
Pope's Head.
Although there was a Mermaid tavern in Cornhill, it must not be confused
with its far more illustrious namesake in the nearby thoroughfare of Cheapside.
The Cornhill house was once kept by a man named Dun, and the story goes that
one day when he was in the room with some witty gallants, one of them, who had
been too familiar with the host's wife, exclaimed, I'll lay five pounds
there's a cuckold in this company.
To which another immediately rejoined,
Tis Dun!
Around the other Mermaid - that in Cheapside - much controversy has raged.
One dispute was concerned with its exact site, but as the building disappeared
entirely many generations ago that is not a matter of moment. Another cause of
debate is found in that passage of Gifford's life of Ben Jonson which describes
his habits in the year 1603. About this time,
Gifford wrote,
Jonson probably began to acquire that turn for conviviality for which he was afterwards noted. Sir Walter Raleigh, previously to his unfortunate engagement with Cobham and others, had instituted a meeting of beaux esprits at the Mermaid, a celebrated tavern in Friday Street. Of this club, which combined more talent and genius, perhaps, than ever met together before or since, our author was a member; and here, for many years, he regularly repaired with Shakespeare, Beaumont, Fletcher, Selden, Cotton, Carew, Martin, Donne, and many others, whose names, even at this distant period, call up a mingled feeling of reverence and respect.
Many have found this flowing narrative hard of belief. It is doubted whether Gifford had any authority for mixing up Sir Walter Raleigh with the Mermaid, and there are good grounds for believing that Jonson's relations with Shakespeare were not of an intimate character.
All the same, it is beyond dispute that there were rare combats of wit at
the Mermaid in Jonson's days and under his rule. For indisputable witness we
have that epistle which Francis Beaumont addressed to Jonson from some country
retreat whither he and Fletcher had repaired to work on two of their comedies.
Beaumont tells how he had dreams of the full Mermaid wine,
dwells upon
the lack of excitement in his rural abode, and then breaks out:
Methinks the little wit I had is lost
Since I saw you; for wit is like a rest
Held up at tennis, which men do best
With the best gamesters. What things have we seen
Done at the Mermaid! heard words that have been
So nimble, and so full of subtle flame,
As if that every one (from whence they came)
Had meant to put his whole wit in a jest,
And had resolved to live a fool the rest
Of his dull life.
That poem inspired another which should always be included in the anthology
of the Mermaid. More than two centuries after Beaumont penned his rhyming
epistle to Jonson, three brothers had their lodging for a brief season in
Cheapside, and the poetic member of the trio doubtless mused long and often on
those kindred spirits who, for him far more than for ordinary mortals, haunted
the spot where the famous tavern once stood. Thus it came about that John
Keats' residence in Cheapside was a prime factor in suggesting his Lines on
the Mermaid Tavern
Souls of poets dead and gone,
What Elysium have ye known,
Happy field or mossy cavern,
Choicer than the Mermaid Tavern?
Have ye tippled drink more fine
Than mine host's Canary wine?
Or are fruits of Paradise
Sweeter than those dainty pies
Of venison? O generous food!
Drest as though bold Robin Hood
Would, with his maid Marian,
Sup and bowse with horn and can.I have heard that on a day
Mine host's sign-board flew away,
Nobody knew whither, till
An Astrologer's old quill
To a sheepskin gave the story,
Said he saw you in your glory,
Underneath a new-old sign
Sipping beverage divine,
And pledging with contented smack
The Mermaid in the Zodiac.Souls of poets dead and gone,
What Elysium have ye known,
Happy field or mossy cavern,
Choicer than the Mermaid Tavern?
with the Mermaid, the other old taverns of Cheapside make a meagre showing in
history. There was a Mitre, however, which dated back to 1475 at the least, and
had the reputation of making noses red
; and the Bull Head, whose host
was the most faithful friend
Bishop Ridley ever had, and was the
meeting-place of the Royal Society for several years; and, above all, the Nag's
Head, famous as the alleged scene of the fictitious consecration of the
Elizabethan bishops in 1559. There is an interesting drawing of 1638 depicting
the procession of Mary de Medici in Cheapside on the occasion of her visit to
her daughter, the wife of Charles I. This animated scene is historically
valuable for the record it gives of several notable structures in the
thoroughfare which was at that time the centre of the commercial life of
London. In the middle of the picture is an excellent representation of
Cheapside Cross, to the right the conduit is seen, and in the extreme corner of
the drawing is a portion of the Nag's Head with its projecting sign.
Another of Ben Jonson's haunts was situated within easy distance of the Mermaid. This was the Three Tuns, of the Guildhall Yard, which Herrick includes in his list of taverns favoured by the dramatist.
Ah Ben!
Say how or when
Shall we thy Guests,
Meet at those lyric feasts
Made at the Sun,
The Dog, the Triple Tunne;
Where we such clusters had
As made us nobly wild, not mad?
Close at hand, too, in Old Jewry, was that Windmill tavern, of which Stow
wrote that it was sometime the Jews' synagogue, since a house of friars,
then a nobleman's house, after that a merchant's house, wherein mayoralties
have been kept, and now a wine tavern.
It must have been a fairly spacious
hostelry, for on the occasion of the visit of the Emperor Charles V in 1522 the
house is noted as being able to provide fourteen feather-beds, and stabling for
twenty horses. From the fact that one of the characters in Every Man in
His Humour dates a letter from the Windmill, and that two of the scenes
in that comedy take place in a room of the tavern, it is obvious that it also
must be numbered among the many houses frequented by Jonson.
One dramatic episode is connected with the history of the Windmill. In the early years of the seventeenth century considerable excitement was aroused in Worcestershire by the doings of John Lambe, who indulged in magical arts and crystal glass enchantments. By 1622 he was in London, and numbered the king's favourite, the Duke of Buckingham, among his clients. That was sufficient to set the populace against him, an enmity which was greatly intensified by strange atmospheric disturbances which visited London in June, 1628. All this was attributed to Lambe's conjuring, and the popular fury came to a climax a day or two later, when Lambe, as he was leaving the Fortune Theatre, was attacked by a mob of apprentices. He fled towards the city and finally took refuge in the Windmill. After affording the hunted man haven for a few hours the host, in view of the tumult outside, at length turned him into the street again, where he was so severely beaten that he died the following morning. A crystal ball and other conjuring implements were found on his person.
Far less exciting was the history of Pontack's, a French ordinary in
Abchurch Lane which played a conspicuous part in the social life of London
during the eighteenth century. Britons of that period had their own insular
contempt for French cookery, as is well illustrated by Rowlandson's caricature
which, with its larder of dead cats and its coarse revelation of other secrets
of French cuisine, may be regarded as typical of the popular opinion. But
Pontack and his eating-house flourished amazingly for all that. A French
refugee in London in 1697 took pride in the fact that whereas it was difficult
to obtain a good meal elsewhere those who would dine at one or two guineas
per head are handsomely accommodated at our famous Pontack's.
The owner of
this ordinary is sketched in brief by Evelyn, who frequently dined under his
roof. Under date July 13, 1683, the diarist wrote:
I had this day much discourse with Monsieur Pontaq, son to the famous and wise prime President of Bordeaux. This gentleman was owner of that excellent vignoble of Pontaq and Obrien, from whence come the choicest of our Bordeaux wines; and I think I may truly say of him, what was not so truly said of St. Paul, that much learning had made him mad. He spoke all languages, was very rich, had a handsome person, and was well bred; about forty-five years of age.
Hogarth, it will be
remembered, paid Pontack a dubious compliment in the third plate of his Rake's
Progress series. The room of that boisterous scene is adorned with pictures of
the Roman Emperors, one of which has been removed to give place to the portrait
of Pontack, who is described by a Hogarth commentator as an eminent French
cook, whose great talents being turned to heightening sensual, rather than
mental enjoyments, has a much better chance of a votive offering from this
company, than would either Vespasian or Trajan.
These advertisements,
however, were all to the good of the house. They were exactly of the kind to
attract the most profitable type of customer. Those customers might grumble, as
Swift did, at the prices, but they all agreed that they enjoyed very good
dinners. The poet, indeed, expressed the unanimous verdict of the town when he
What wretch would nibble on a hanging shelf,
When at Pontack's he may regale himself?
Chapter 3: Taverns of Fleet Street and Thereabouts
Save for the High Street of Southwark, there was probably no thoroughfare of old London which could boast so many inns and taverns to the square yard as Fleet Street, but ere the pilgrim explores that famous neighbourhood he should visit several other spots where notable hostelries were once to be seen. He should, for example, turn his steps towards St. Paul's Churchyard, which, despite the fact that it was chiefly inhabited by booksellers, had its Queen's Arms tavern and its Goose and Gridiron.
Memories of David Garrick and Dr. Johnson are associated with the Queen's
Arms. This tavern was the meeting-place of a select club formed by a few
intimate friends of the actor for the express purpose of providing them with
opportunities to enjoy his society. Its members included James Clutterback, the
city merchant who gave Garrick invaluable financial aid when he started at
Drury Lane, and John Paterson, that helpful solicitor whom the actor selected
as one of his executors. These admirers of "little David" were a temperate set;
"they were 'none of them drinkers, and in order to make a reckoning called only
for French wine." Johnson's association with the house is recorded by Boswell
as belonging to the year 1781. On Friday, April 6,
he writes,
he carried me to dine at a club which, at his desire, had been lately formed at the Queen's Arms in St. Paul's Churchyard. He told Mr. Hoole that he wished to have a City Club, and asked him to collect one; but, said he,Don't let them be patriots.The company were to-day very sensible, well-behaved men.
Which, taken in conjunction with the abstemious nature of the Garrick club, would seem to show that the Queen's Arms was an exceedingly decorous house.
Concerning the Goose and Gridiron only a few scanty facts have survived.
Prior to the Great Fire it was known as the Mitre, but on its being rebuilt it
was called the Lyre. When it came into repute through the concerts of a
favourite musical society being given within its walls, the house was decorated
with a sign of Apollo's lyre, surmounted by a swan. This provided too good an
opportunity for the wits of the town to miss, and they promptly renamed the
house as the Goose and Gridiron, which recalls the facetious landlord who, on
gaining possession of premises once used as a music-house, chose for his sign a
goose stroking the bars of a gridiron and inscribed beneath, The Swan and
It is an interesting note in the history of the St. Paul's Churchyard
house that early in the eighteenth century, on the revival of Freemasonry in
England, the Grand Lodge was established here.
Almost adjacent to St. Paul's, that is, in Queen's Head Passage, which leads
from Paternoster Row into Newgate Street, once stood the famous Dolly's Chop
House, the resort of Fielding, and Defoe, and Swift, and Dryden, and Pope and
many other sons of genius. It was built on the site of an ordinary owned by
Richard Tarleton, the Elizabethan actor whose playing was so humorous that it
even won the praise of Jonson. He was indeed such a merry soul, and so great a
favourite in clown's parts, that innkeepers frequently had his portrait painted
as a sign. The chief feature of the establishment which succeeded Tarleton's
tavern appears to have been the excellence of its beef-steaks. It should also
be added that they were served fresh from the grill, a fact which is
accentuated by the allusion which Smollett places in one of Melford's letters
to Sir Walkin Phillips in Humphry Clinker: I send you the
history of this day, which has been remarkably full of adventures; and you will
own I give you them like a beef-steak at Dolly's, hot and
hot, without ceremony and parade.
Out into Newgate Street the pilgrim should now make his way in search of that Salutation Tavern which is precious for its associations with Coleridge and Lamb and Southey. Once more, alas! the new has usurped the place of the old, but there is some satisfaction in being able to gaze upon the lineal successor of so noted a house. The Salutation was a favourite social resort in the eighteenth century and was frequently the scene of the more formal dining occasions of the booksellers and printers. There is a poetical invitation to one such function, a booksellers' supper on January 19, 1736, which reads:
You're desired on Monday next to meet
At Salutation Tavern, Newgate Street,
Supper will be on table just at eight.
One of those rhyming invitations was sent to Samuel Richardson, the novelist, who replied in kind:
For me I'm much concerned I cannot meet
At Salutation Tavern, Newgate Street.
Another legend credits this with being the house whither Sir Christopher Wren resorted to smoke his pipe while the new St. Paul's was being built. More authentic, however, and indeed beyond dispute, are the records which link the memories of Coleridge and Lamb and Southey with this tavern It was here Southey found Coleridge in one of his many fits of depression, but pleasanter far are the recollections which recall the frequent meetings of Lamb and Coleridge, between whom there was so much in common. They would not forget that it was at the nearby Christ's Hospital they were schoolboys together, the reminiscences of which happy days coloured the thoughts of Elia as he penned that exquisite portrait of his friend:
Come back into memory, like as thou wert in the day-spring of thy fancies, with hope like a fiery column before thee--the dark pillar not yet turned - Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Logician, Metaphysician, Bard! - How have I seen the casual passer through the cloisters stand still, entranced with admiration to hear thee unfold, in thy deep and sweet intonations, the mysteries of Jamblichus, or Plotinus, or reciting Homer in his Greek, or Pindar--while the walls of the old Grey Friars re-echoed to the accents of the inspired charity-boy!
As Coleridge was the elder by two years he left Christ's Hospital for Cambridge before Lamb had finished his course, but he came back to London now and then, to meet his schoolmate in a smoky little room of the Salutation and discuss metaphysics and poetry to the accompaniment of egg-hot, Welsh rabbits, and tobacco. Those golden hours in the old tavern left their impress deep in Lamb's sensitive nature, and when he came to dedicate his works to Coleridge he hoped that some of the sonnets, carelessly regarded by the general reader, would awaken in his friend
remembrances which I should be sorry should be ever totally extinct--thememory of summer days and of delightful years,even so far back as those old suppers at our old Salutation Inn, - when life was fresh and topics exhaustless - and you first kindled in me, if not the power, yet the love of poetry and beauty and kindliness.
Continuing westward from Newgate Street, the explorer of the inns and taverns of old London comes first to Holborn Viaduct, where there is nothing of note to detain him, and then reaches Holborn proper, with its continuation as High Holborn, which by the time of Henry III had become a main highway into the city for the transit of wood and hides, corn and cheese, and other agricultural products. It must be remembered also that many of the principal coaches had their stopping-place in this thoroughfare, and that as a consequence the inns were numerous and excellent and much frequented by country gentlemen on their visits to town. Although those inns have long been swept away, the quaint half-timbered buildings of Staple Inn remain to aid the imagination in repicturing those far-off days when the Dagger, and the Red Lion, and the Bull and Gate, and the Blue Boar, and countless other hostelries were dotted on either side of the street.
With the first of these, the Dagger Tavern, we cross the tracks of Ben
Jonson once more. Twice does the dramatist allude to this house in The
Alchemist, and the revelation that Dapper frequented the Dagger would
have conveyed its own moral to seventeenth century playgoers, for it was then
notorious as a resort of the lowest and most disreputable kind. The other
reference makes mention of Dagger frumety,
which is a reminder that this
house, as was the case with another of like name, prided itself upon the
excellence of its pies, which were decorated with a representation of a dagger.
That these pasties were highly appreciated is the only conclusion which can be
drawn from the contemporary exclamation, I'll not take thy word for a Dagger
and from the fact that in The Devil is an Ass Jonson
makes Iniquity declare that the 'prentice boys rob their masters and spend
it in pies at the Dagger and the Woolsack.
A second of these Holborn inns bore a sign which has puzzled antiquaries not
a little. The name was given as the Bull and Gate, but the actual sign was said
to depict the Boulogne Gate at Calais. Here, it is thought, a too phonetic
pronunciation of the French word led to the contradiction of name and sign.
What is more to the point, and of greater interest, is the connection Fielding
established between Tom Jones and the Bull and Gate. When that hero reached
London in his search after the Irish peer who brought Sophia to town, he
entered the great city by the highway which is now Gray's Inn Road, and at once
began his arduous search. But without success. He prosecuted his enquiry till
the clock struck eleven, and then Jones at last yielded to the advice of
Partridge, and retreated to the Bull and Gate in Holborn, that being the inn
where he had first alighted, and where he retired to enjoy that kind of repose
which usually attends persons in his circumstances.
No less notable a character than Oliver Cromwell is linked in a dramatic
manner with the histories of the Blue Boar and the Red Lion inns. The narrative
of the first incident is put in Cromwell's own mouth by Lord Broghill, that
accomplished Irish peer whose conversion from royalism to the cause of the
Commonwealth was accomplished by the Ironsides general in the course of one
memorable interview. According to this authority, Cromwell once declared that
there was a time when he and his party would have settled their differences
with Charles I but for an incident which destroyed their confidence in that
monarch. What that incident was cannot be more vividly described than by the
words Lord Broghill attributed to Cromwell. While we were busied in these
he said,
there came a letter from one of our spies, who was of the king's bed-chamber, which acquainted us, that on that day our final doom was decreed; that he could not possibly tell us what it was, but we might find it out, if we could intercept a letter, sent from the king to the queen, wherein he declared what he would do. The letter, he said, was sewed up in the skirt of a saddle, and the bearer of it would come with the saddle upon his head, about ten of the clock that night, to the Blue Boar Inn in Holborn; for there he was to take horse and go to Dover with it. This messenger knew nothing of the letter in the saddle, but some persons at Dover did. We were at Windsor, when we received this letter; and immediately upon the receipt of it, Ireton and I resolved to take one trusty fellow with us, and with troopers' habits to go to the Inn in Holborn; which accordingly we did, and set our man at the gate of the Inn, where the wicket only was open to let people in and out. Our man was to give us notice, when any one came with a saddle, whilst we in the disguise of common troopers called for cans of beer, and continued drinking till about ten o'clock: the sentinel at the gate then gave notice that the man with the saddle was come in. Upon this we immediately arose, and, as the man was leading out his horse saddled, came up to him with drawn swords and told him that we were to search all that went in and out there; but as he looked like an honest man, we would only search his saddle and so dismiss him. Upon that we ungirt the saddle and carried it into the stall, where we had been drinking, and left the horseman with our sentinel: then ripping up one of the skirts of the saddle, we there found the letter of which we had been informed: and having got it into our own hands, we delivered the saddle again to the man, telling him he was an honest man, and bid him go about his business. The man, not knowing what had been done, went away to Dover. As soon as we had the letter we opened it; in which we found the king had acquainted the queen, that he was now courted by both the factions, the Scotch Presbyterians and the Army; and which bid fairest for him should have him; but he thought he should close with the Scots, sooner than the other. Upon this we took horse, and went to Windsor; and finding we were not likely to have any tolerable terms with the king, we immediately from that time forward resolved his ruin.
As that scene at the Blue Boar played so important a part in the sequence of events which were to lead to Cromwell's attainment of supreme power in England, so another Holborn inn, the Red Lion, was to witness the final act of that petty revenge which marked the downfall of the Commonwealth. Perplexing mystery surrounds the ultimate fate of Cromwell's body, but the record runs that his corpse, and those of Ireton and Bradshaw, were ruthlessly torn from their graves soon after the Restoration and were taken to the Red Lion, whence, on, the following morning, they were dragged on a sledge to Tyburn and there treated with the ignominy hitherto reserved for the vilest criminals. All kinds of legends surround these gruesome proceedings. One tradition will have it that some of Cromwell's faithful friends rescued his mutilated remains, and buried them in a field on the north side of Holborn, a spot now covered by the public garden in Red Lion Square. On the other hand grave doubts have been expressed as to whether the body taken to the Red Lion was really that of Cromwell. One legend asserts that it was not buried in Westminster Abbey but sunk in the Thames; another that it was interred in Naseby field; and a third that it was placed in the coffin of Charles I at Windsor.
Impatient though he may be to revel in the multifarious associations of
Fleet Street, the pilgrim should turn aside into Ludgate Hill for a few minutes
for the sake of that Belle Sauvage inn the name of which has been responsible
for a rich harvest of explanatory theory. Addison contributed to it in his own
humorous way. An early number of the Spectator was devoted to the discussion of
the advisability of an office being established for the regulation of signs,
one suggestion being that when the name of a shopkeeper or innkeeper lent
itself to an ingenious sign-post
full advantage should be taken of the
opportunity. In this connection Addison offered the following explanation of
the name of the Ludgate Hill inn, which, it has been shrewdly conjectured by
Henry B. Wheatley, was probably intended as a joke.
As for the bell-savage, which is the sign of a savage man standing by a bell, I was formerly very much puzzled upon the conceit of it, till I accidentally fell into the reading of an old romance translated out of the French; which gives an account of a very beautiful woman who was found in a wilderness, and is called in the French La Belle Sauvage; and is everywhere translated by our countrymen the bell-savage.
Not quite so poetic is the most feasible explanation of this unusual name
for an inn. It seems that the original sign of the house was the Bell, but that
in the middle of the fifteenth century it had an alternative designation. A
deed of that period speaks of all that tenement or inn with its
appurtenances, called Savage's inn, otherwise called the Bell on the Hoop.
This was evidently a case where the name of the host counted for more than the
actual sign of the house, and the habit of speaking of Savage's Bell may easily
have led to the perversion into Bell Savage, and thence to the Frenchified form
mostly used to-day.
Leaving these questions of etymology for more certain matters, it is
interesting to recall that it was in the yard of the Belle Sauvage Sir Thomas
Wyatt's rebellion came to an inglorious end. That rising was ostensibly aimed
at the prevention of Queen Mary's marriage with a prince of Spain, and for that
reason won a large measure of support from the men of Kent, at whose head Wyatt
marched on the, capital. At London Bridge, however, his way was blocked, and he
was obliged to make a détour by way of Kingston, in the hope of entering the
city by Lud Gate. But his men became disorganized on the long march, and at
each stage more and more were cut off from the main body by the queen's forces,
until, by the time he reached Fleet Street, the rebel had only some three
hundred followers. He passed Temple Bar,
wrote Froude,
along Fleet Street, and reached Ludgate. The gate was open as he approached, when some one seeing a number of men coming up, exclaimed,These be Wyatt's ancients.Muttered curses were heard among the by-standers; but Lord Howard was on the spot; the gates, notwithstanding the murmurs, were instantly closed; and when Wyatt knocked, Howard's voice answered,Avaunt! traitor; thou shall not come in here.I have kept touch,Wyatt exclaimed; but his enterprise was hopeless now, He sat down upon a bench outside the Belle Sauvage yard.
That was the end. His followers scattered in all directions, and in a little while he was a prisoner, on his way to the Tower and the block.
peaceful are the records which tell how the famous carver in wood, Grinling
Gibbons, and the notorious quack, Richard Rock, once had lodgings in the Belle
Sauvage Yard, and more picturesque are the memories of those days when the inn
was the starting-place of those coaches which lend a touch of romance to old
English life. Horace Walpole says Gibbons signalized his tenancy by carving a
pot of flowers over a doorway, so delicate in leaf and stem that the whole
shook with the motion of the carriages passing by. The quack, into the hands of
whom and his like Goldsmith declared all fell unless they were blasted by
lightning, or struck dead with some sudden disorder,
was a great man,
short of stature, fat,
and waddled as he walked. He was usually drawn at
the top of his own bills, sitting in his arm-chair, holding a little bottle
between his finger and thumb, and surrounded with rotten teeth, nippers, pills,
packets, and gallipots.
From the Belle Sauvage to the commencement of Fleet Street is but a stone's throw, but the pilgrim must not expect to find any memorials of the past in the eastern portion of that famous thoroughfare. The buildings here are practically all modern, many of them, indeed, having been erected in the last decade. As these lines are being written, too, the announcement is made of a project for the further transformation of the street at the cost of half a million pounds. The idea is to continue the widening of the thoroughfare further west, and if that plan is carried out, devastation must overtake most of the ancient buildings which still remain.
By far the most outstanding feature of the Fleet Street of to-day is the number and variety of its newspaper offices; two centuries ago it had a vastly different aspect.
From thence, along that tipling street,
Distinguish'd by the name of Fleet,
Where Tavern-Signs hang thicker far,
Than Trophies down at Westminster;
And ev'ry Bacchanalian Landlord
Displays his Ensign, or his Standard,
Bidding Defiance to each Brother,
As if at Wars with one another.
How thoroughly the highway deserved the name of tipling street
may be
inferred from the fact that its list of taverns included but was not exhausted
by the Devil, the King's Head, the Horn, the Mitre, the Cock, the Bolt-in-Tun,
the Rainbow, the Cheshire Cheese, Hercules Pillars, the Castle, the Dolphin,
the Seven Stars, Dick's, Nando's, and Peele's. No one would recognize in the
Anderton's Hotel of to-day the lineal successor of one of these ancient
taverns, and yet it is a fact that that establishment perpetuates the Horn
tavern of the fifteenth century. In the early seventeenth century the house was
in high favour with the legal fraternity, but its patronage of the present time
is of a more miscellaneous character. The present building was erected in 1880.
Close by, a low and
narrow archway gives access to Wine Office Court, a spot ever memorable for its
having been for some three years the home of Oliver Goldsmith. It was in 1760,
when in his thirty-second year, that he took lodgings in this cramped alleyway,
and here he remained, toiling as a journeyman for an astute publisher, until
towards the end of 1762. So improved were Goldsmith's fortunes in these days
that he launched out into supper parties, one of which, in May, 1761, was
rendered memorable by the presence of Dr. Johnson, who attired himself with
unusual care for the occasion. To a companion who, noting the new suit of
clothes, the new wig nicely powdered, and all else in harmony, commented on his
appearance, Johnson rejoined, Why, sir, I hear that Goldsmith, who is a very
great sloven, justifies his disregard of cleanliness and decency by quoting my
practice, and I am desirous this night to show him a better example.
house where that supper party was held has disappeared, but in the Cheshire
Cheese nearby there yet survives a building which the centuries have spared.
Exactly how old this tavern is cannot be decided. It is inevitable that there must have been a hostelry on this spot before the Great Fire of 1666, inasmuch as there is a record to show that it was rebuilt the following year. Which goes to show that the present building has attained the ripe age of nearly two and a half centuries. No one who explores its various apartments will be likely to question that fact. Everything about the place wears an air of antiquity, from the quaint bar-room to the more private chambers upstairs. The chief glory of the Cheshire Cheese, however, is to be seen downstairs on the left hand of the principal entrance. This is the genuinely old-fashioned eating-room, with its rude tables, its austere seats round the walls, its sawdust-sprinkled floor, and, above all, its sacred nook in the further right hand corner which is pointed out as the favourite seat of Dr. Johnson. Above this niche is a copy of the Reynolds portrait of the sturdy lexicographer, beneath which is the following inscription:
The Favourite Seat of Dr. Johnson.--Born 18th Septr., 1709. Died 13th Decr., 1784. In him a noble understanding and a masterly intellect were united with grand independence of character and unfailing goodness of heart, which won him the admiration of his own age, and remain as recommendations to the reverence of posterity.No, Sir! there is nothing which has yet been contrived by man by which so much happiness has been produced as by a good tavern.
After all this it is
surprising to learn that the authority for connecting Dr. Johnson with the
Cheshire Cheese rests upon a somewhat late tradition. Boswell does not mention
the tavern, an omission which is accounted for by noting that Boswell's
acquaintance with Johnson began when Johnson was an old man, and when he had
given up the house in Gough Square, and Goldsmith had long departed from Wine
Office Court. At the best,
this apologist adds, Boswell only knew
Johnson's life in widely separated sections.
As appeal cannot, then, be
made to Boswell it is made to others. The most important of these witnesses is
a Cyrus Jay, who, in a book of reminiscences published in 1868, claimed to have
frequented the Cheshire Cheese for fifty-five years, and to have known a man
who had frequently seen Johnson and Goldsmith in the tavern. Another writer has
placed on record that he often met in the tavern gentlemen who had seen the
famous pair there on many occasions.
Taking into account these traditions and the further fact that the building
supplies its own evidence as to antiquity, it is not surprising that the
Cheshire Cheese enjoys an enviable popularity with all who find a special
appeal in the survivals of old London. As a natural consequence more recent
writing in prose and verse has been bestowed upon this tavern than any other of
the metropolis. Perhaps the best of the many poems penned in its praise is that
written by John Davidson, the poet whose mysterious
disappearance has added so sad a chapter to the history of literature.
I know a house of antique ease
Within the smoky city's pale,
A spot wherein the spirit sees
Old London through a thinner veil.
The modern world so stiff and stale,
You leave behind you when you please,
For long clay pipes and great old ale
And beefsteaks in theCheshire Cheese.Beneath this board Burke's, Goldsmith's knees
Were often thrust - so runs the tale -
'Twas here the Doctor took his ease
And wielded speech that like a flail
Threshed out the golden truth. All hail,
Great souls! that met on nights like these
Till morning made the candles pale,
And revellers left theCheshire Cheese.By kindly sense and old decrees
Of England's use they set the sail
We press to never-furrowed seas,
For vision-worlds we breast the gale,
And still we seek and still we fail,
For still theglorious phantomflees.
Ah well! no phantom are the ale
And beefsteaks of theCheshire Cheese.If doubts or debts thy soul assail,
If Fashion's forms its current freeze,
Try a long pipe, a glass of ale,
And supper at theCheshire Cheese.
While the Cheshire Cheese was less fortunate than the Cock in the Fire of
London, the latter house, which escaped that conflagration, has fallen on
comparatively evil days in modern times. In other words, the exterior of the
original building, which dated from early in the seventeenth century, was
demolished in 1888, to make room for a branch establishment of the Bank of
England. Pepys knew the old house and spent many a jovial evening beneath its
roof. It was thither, one April evening in 1667, that he took Mrs. Pierce and
Mrs. Knapp, the latter being the actress whom he thought pretty enough
besides being the most excellent, mad-humoured thing, and sings the noblest
that ever I heard in my life.
The trio had a gay time; they drank, and
eat lobster, and sang
and were mightily merry.
By and by the crafty
diarist deleted Mrs. Pierce from the party, and went off to Vauxhall with the
fair actress, his confidence in the enterprise being strengthened by the fact
that the night was darkish.
If she did not find out that excursion, Mrs.
Pepys knew quite enough of her husband's weakness for Mrs. Knapp to be
justified of her jealousy. And even he appears to have experienced twinges of
conscience on the matter. Perhaps that was the reason why he took his wife to
the Cock, and did give her a dinner
there. Other sinners have found it
comforting to exercise repentance on the scene of their offences.
Judging from an advertisement which was published in 1665, the proprietor of
the Cock did not allow business to interfere with pleasure. This is to
his announcement ran, that the master of the Cock and Bottle,
commonly called the Cock Alehouse, at Temple Bar, hath dismissed his servants,
and shut up his house, for this Long Vacation, intending (God willing) to
return at Michaelmas next.
But the tavern is prouder of its association with Tennyson than of any other
fact in its history. The poet was always fond of this neighbourhood. His son
records that whenever he went to London with his father, the first item on
their programme was a walk in the Strand and Fleet Street. Instead of the
stuccoed houses in the West End, this is the place where I should like to
Tennyson would say. During his early days he lodged in Norfolk Street
close by, dining with his friends at the Cock and other taverns, but always
having a preference for the room high over roaring Temple-bar.
In the
estimation of the poet, as his son has chronicled,
a perfect dinner was a beef-steak, a potato, a cut of cheese, a pint of port, and afterwards a pipe (never a cigar). When joked with by his friends about his liking for cold salt beef and new potatoes, he would answer humorously,All fine-natured men know what is good to eat.Very genial evenings they were, with plenty of anecdote and wit.
All this, especially the pint of port, throws light on Will Waterproof's
Lyrical Monologue,
which, as the poet himself has stated, was made at
the Cock.
Its opening apostrophe is familiar enough:
O plump head-waiter at The Cock,
To which I most resort,
How goes the time? 'Tis five o'clock.
Go fetch a pint of port.
How faithfully that waiter obeyed the poet's injunction to bring him of the best, all readers of the poem are aware:
The pint, you brought me, was the best
That ever came from pipe.
Undoubtedly. As witness the flights of fancy which it created. Its potent vintage transformed both the waiter and the sign of the house in which he served and shaped this pretty legend.
And hence this halo lives about
The waiter's hands, that reach
To each his perfect pint of stout,
His proper chop to each.
He looks not like the common breed.
That with the napkin dally;
I think he came like Ganymede,
From some delightful valley.The Cock was of a larger egg
Than modern poultry drop,
Stept forward on a firmer leg,
And cramm'd a plumper crop;
Upon an ampler dunghill trod,
Crow'd lustier late and early,
Sipt wine from silver, praising God,
And raked in golden barley.
A private life was all his joy,
Till in a court he saw
A something-pottle-bodied boy
That knuckled at the law:
He stoop'd and clutch'd him, fair and good,
Flew over roof and casement:
His brothers of the weather stood
Stock-still for sheer amazement.But he, by farmstead, thorpe and spire,
And follow'd with acclaims,
A sign to many a staring shire
Came crowing over Thames.
Right down by smoky Paul's they bore,
Till, where the street grows straiter,
One fix'd for ever at the door,
And one became head-waiter.
Just here the poet bethought himself. It was time to rein in his fancy. Truly it was out of place to make
The violet of a legend blow
Among the chops and steaks.
So he descends to more mundane things, to moralize at last upon the waiter's fate and the folly of quarrelling with our lot in life. It is interesting to learn from Fitzgerald that the Cock's plump head-waiter read the poem, but disappointing to know that his only remark on the performance was, "Had Mr. Tennyson dined oftener here, he would not have minded it so much." From which poets may learn the moral that to trifle with Jove's cupbearer in the interests of a tavern waiter is liable to lead to misunderstanding. But it is, perhaps, of more importance to note that, notwithstanding the destruction of the exterior of the Cock in 1888, one room of that ancient building was preserved intact and may be found on the first floor of the new house. There, for use as well as admiration, are the veritable mahogany boxes which Tennyson knew, -
Old boxes, larded with the steam
Of thirty thousand dinners -
and not less in evidence is the stately old fireplace which Pepys was familiar with.
Not even a seat or a fireplace has survived of the Mitre tavern of Shakespeare's days, or the Mitre tavern which Boswell mentions so often. They were not the same house, as has sometimes been stated, and the Mitre of to-day is little more than a name-successor to either. Ben Jonson's plays and other literature of the seventeenth century make frequent mention of the old Mitre, and that was no doubt the tavern Pepys patronized on occasion.
No one save an expert indexer would have the courage to commit himself to
the exact number of Boswell's references to the Mitre. He had a natural
fondness for the tavern as the scene of his first meal with Johnson, and with
Johnson himself, as his biographer has explained, the place was a first
favourite for many years. I had learned,
says Boswell in recording the
early stages of his acquaintance with his famous friend,
that his place of frequent resort was the Mitre Tavern in Fleet Street, where he loved to sit up late, and I begged I might be allowed to pass an evening with him there, which he promised I should. A few days afterwards I met him near Temple-bar, about one o'clock in the morning, and asked if he would then go to the Mitre.Sir,said he,it is too late; they won't let us in. But I'll go with you another night with all my heart.
That other night soon came. Boswell called for his friend at nine o'clock, and the two were soon in the tavern. They had a good supper, and port wine, but the occasion was more than food and drink to Boswell.
The orthodox high-church sound of the Mitre, - the figure and manner of the celebrated Samuel Johnson, - the extraordinary power and precision of his conversation, and the pride arising from finding myself admitted as his companion, produced a variety of sensations, and a pleasing elevation of mind beyond what I had ever before experienced.
On the next occasion Goldsmith was of the company, and the visit after that
was brought about through Boswell's inability to keep his promise to entertain
Johnson at his own rooms. The little Scotsman had a squabble with his landlord,
and was obliged to take his guest to the Mitre. There is nothing,
Johnson said, in this mighty misfortune; nay, we shall be better at the
And Boswell was characteristically oblivious of the slur on his
gifts as a host. But that, perhaps, is a trifle compared with the complacency
with which he records further snubbings administered to him at that tavern. For
example, there was that rainy night when Boswell made some feeble complaints
about the weather, qualifying them with the profound reflection that it was
good for the vegetable creation. Yes, sir,
Johnson rejoined, it is
good for vegetables, and for the animals who eat those vegetables, and for the
animals who eat those animals.
Then there was that other occasion when the
note-taker talked airily about his interview with Rousseau, and asked Johnson
whether he thought him a bad man, only to be crushed with Johnson's, Sir, if
you are talking jestingly of this, I don't talk with you. If you mean to be
serious, I think him one of the worst of men.
Severer still was the rebuke
of another conversation at the Mitre. The ever-blundering Boswell rated Foote
for indulging his talent of ridicule at the expense of his visitors, making
fools of his company,
as he expressed it. Sir,
Johnson said, he
does not make fools of his company; they whom he exposes are fools already: he
only brings them into action.
But, if only in gratitude for what Boswell accomplished, last impressions of
the Mitre should not be of those castigations. A far prettier picture is that
which we owe to the reminiscences of Dr. Maxwell, who, while assistant preacher
at the Temple, had many opportunities of enjoying Johnson's company. Dr.
Maxwell relates that one day when he was paying Johnson a visit, two young
ladies, from the country came to consult him on the subject of Methodism, to
which they were inclined. Come,
he said, you pretty fools, dine with
Maxwell and me at the Mitre, and we will take over that subject.
Away, they
went, and after dinner Johnson took one of them upon his knee, and fondled
her for half an hour together.
Dante Gabriel Rossetti chose that incident
for a picture, but neither his canvas nor Dr. Maxwell's record enlightens us as
to whether the pretty fools
were preserved to the Church of England. But
it was a happy evening - especially for Dr. Johnson.
As with the Cock, a part of the interior of the Rainbow Tavern dates back
more than a couple of centuries. The chief interest of the Rainbow, however,
lies in the fact that it was at first a coffee-house, and one of the earliest
in London. It was opened in 1657 by a barber named James Farr who evidently
anticipated more profit in serving cups of the new beverage than in wielding
his scissors and razor. He succeeded so well that the adjacent tavern-keepers
combined to get his coffee-house suppressed, for, said they, the evil
of the new drink greatly annoyed the neighbourhood.
But Mr.
Farr prospered in spite of his competitors, and by and by he turned the Rainbow
into a regular tavern.
No one who gazes upon the century-old print of the King's Head can do other than regret the total disappearance of that picturesque building. This tavern stood at the west corner of Chancery Lane and is believed by antiquaries to have been built in the reign of Edward VI. It figures repeatedly in ancient engravings of the royal processions of long-past centuries, and contributed a notable feature to the progress of Queen Elizabeth as she was on her way to visit Sir Thomas Gresham. The students of the Temple hit upon the effective device of having several cherubs descend, as it were, from the heavens, for the purpose of presenting the queen with a crown of gold and laurels, together with the inevitable verses of an Elizabethan ceremony, and the roof of the King's Head was chosen as the heaven from whence these visitants came down. Only the first and second floors were devoted to tavern purposes; on the ground floor were shops, from one of which the first edition of Izaak Walton's Complete Angler was sold, while another provided accommodation for the grocery business of Abraham Cowley's father.
From 1679 the King's Head was the common headquarters of the notorious Green
Ribbon Club, which included a precious set of scoundrels among its members,
chief of them all being that astounding perjurer, Titus Gates. Hence the
tavern's designation as a Protestant house.
It was pulled down in 1799.
Another immortal tavern of Fleet Street, the most immortal of them all, Ben Jonson's Devil, has also utterly vanished. Its full title was The Devil and St. Dunstan, aptly represented by the sign depicting the saint holding the tempter by the nose, and its site, appropriately enough, was opposite St. Dunstan's Church, on the south side of Fleet Street and close to Temple-bar. One of Hogarth's illustrations to Hudibras gives a glimpse of the tavern, but on the wrong side of the street, as is so common in the work of that artist.
No doubt the Devil had had a protracted existence prior to Jonson's day, but its chief title to fame dates from the time when the convivial dramatist made it his principal rendezvous. The exact date of that event is difficult to determine. Nor is it possible to explain why Jonson removed his patronage from the Mermaid in Cheapside to the Devil in Fleet Street. The fact remains, however, that while the earlier period of his life has its focus in Cheapside the later is centred in the vicinity of Temple-bar.
Perhaps Jonson may have found the accommodation of the Devil more suited to his needs. After passing through those years of opposition which all great poets have to face, there came to him the crown of acknowledged leadership among the writers of his day. He accepted it willingly. He seems to have been temperamentally fitted to the post. He was, in fact, never so happy as when in the midst of a group of men who owned his pre-eminence. What was more natural, then, than that he should have conceived the idea of forming a club? And in the great Apollo room at the Devil he found the most suitable place of meeting. Over the door of this room, inscribed in gold letters on a black ground, this poetical greeting was displayed.
Welcome all who lead or follow
To the Oracle of Apollo -
Here he speaks out of his pottle,
Or the tripos, his tower bottle:
All his answers are divine,
Truth itself doth Bow in wine.
Hang up all the poor hop-drinkers,
Cries old Sam, the king of skinkers;
He the half of life abuses,
That sits watering with the Muses.
Those dull girls no good can mean us;
Wine it is the milk of Venus,
And the poet's horse accounted:
Ply it, and you all are mounted.
'Tis the true Phoebian liquor,
Cheers the brains, makes wit the quicker.
Pays all debts, cures all diseases,
And at once three senses pleases.
Welcome all who lead or follow,
To the Oracle of Apollo.
That relic of the Devil still exists, carefully preserved in the banking
establishment which occupies the site of the tavern; and with it, just as
zealously guarded, is a bust of Jonson which stood above the verses. Inside the
Apollo room was another poetical inscription, said to have been engraved in
black marble. These verses were in the dramatist's best Latin, and set forth
the rules for his tavern academy. Much of their point is lost in the English
version, which, however, deserves quotation for the sake of the inferences it
suggests as to the conduct which was esteemed good form
in Jonson's
As the fund of our pleasure, let each pay his shot,
Except some chance friend, whom a member brings in.
Far hence be the sad, the lewd fop, and the sot;
For such have the plagues of good company been.Let the learned and witty, the jovial and gay,
The generous and honest, compose our free state;
And the more to exalt our delight whilst we stay,
Let none be debarred from his choice female mate.Let no scent offensive the chamber infest.
Let fancy, not cost, prepare all our dishes.
Let the caterer mind the taste of each guest,
And the cook, in his dressing, comply with their wishes.Let's have no disturbance about taking places,
To show your nice breeding, or out of vain pride.
Let the drawers be ready with wine and fresh glasses,
Let the waiters have eyes, though their tongues must be ty'd.Let our wines without mixture or stum, be all fine,
Or call up the master, and break his dull noddle.
Let no sober bigot here think it a sin,
To push on the chirping and moderate bottle.Let the contests be rather of books than of wine,
Let the company be neither noisy nor mute.
Let none of things serious, much less of divine,
When belly and head's full profanely dispute.Let no saucy fidler presume to intrude,
Unless he is sent for to vary our bliss.
With mirth, wit, and dancing, and singing conclude,
To regale every sense, with delight in excess.Let raillery be without malice or heat.
Dull poems to read let none privilege take.
Let no poetaster command or intreat
Another extempore verses to make.Let argument bear no unmusical sound,
Nor jars interpose, sacred friendship to grieve.
For generous lovers let a corner be found,
Where they in soft sighs may their passions relieve.Like the old Lapithites, with the goblets to fight,
Our own 'mongst offences unpardoned will rank,
Or breaking of windows, or glasses, for spight,
And spoiling the goods for a rakehelly prank.Whoever shall publish what's said, or what's done,
Be he banished for ever our assembly divine.
Let the freedom we take be perverted by none
To make any guilty by drinking good wine.
By the testimony of those rules alone it is easy to see how thoroughly the
masterful spirit of Jonson ruled in the Apollo room. His air was a throne, his
word a sceptre that must be obeyed. This impression is confirmed by many
records and especially by Drummond's character sketch. The natural consequence
was that membership in the Apollo Club came to be regarded as an unusual
honour. There appears to have been some kind of ceremony at the initiation of
each new member, which gave all the greater importance to the rite of being
sealed of the tribe of Ben.
Long after the dramatist was dead, his
boasted of their intimacy with him, much to the irritation of
Dryden and others. While he lived, too, they were equally elated at being
admitted to the inner circle at the Devil, and, after the manner of Marmion,
sung the praises of their boon Delphic god,
surrounded with his
incense and his altars smoking.
Incense was an essential if Jonson was to be kept in good humour. Many
anecdotes testify to that fact. There is the story of his loss of patience with
the country gentleman who was somewhat talkative about his lands, and his
interruption, What signifies to us your dirt and your clods? Where you have
an acre of land, I have ten acres of wit.
And Howell tells of that supper
party which, despite good company, excellent cheer and choice wines, was turned
into a failure by Jonson engrossing all the conversation and vapouring
extremely of himself and vilifying others.
Yet there were probably few of
his own circle, the sons of Ben,
who would have had it otherwise. Few
indeed and fragmentary are the records of his conversation in the Apollo room,
but they are sufficient to prove how ready a wit the poet possessed. Take, for
example, the story of that convivial gathering when the tavern keeper promised
to forgive Jonson the reckoning if he could tell what would please God, please
the devil, please the company, and please him. The poet at once replied:
God is pleased, when we depart from sin,
The devil's pleas'd, when we persist therein;
Your company's pleas'd, when you draw good wine,
And thou'd be pleas'd, if I would pay thee thine.
Some austere biographers have chided the memory of the poet for spending so much of his time at the Devil. They forget, or are ignorant of the fact that there is proof the time was well spent. In a manuscript of Jonson which still exists there are many entries which go to show that some of his finest work was inspired by the merry gatherings in the Apollo room.
For many years after Jonson's death the Devil, and especially the Apollo room, continued in high favour with the wits of London and the men about town. Pepys knew the house, of course, and so did Evelyn, and Swift dined there, and Steele, and many another genius of the eighteenth century. It was in the Apollo room, too, that the official court-day odes of the Poets Laureate were rehearsed, which explains the point of the following lines:
When Laureates make odes, do you ask of what sort?
Do you ask if they're good or are evil?
You may judge - From the Devil they come to the Court,
And go from the court to the Devil.
But the Apollo room is not without its idyllic memory. It was created by the
ever-delightful pen of Steele. Who can forget the picture he draws of his
sister Jenny and her lover Tranquillus and their wedding morning? The
he writes,
was wholly under my care. After the ceremony at church, I resolved to entertain the company with a dinner suitable to the occasion, and pitched upon the Apollo, at the Old Devil at Temple-bar, as a place sacred to mirth tempered with discretion, where Ben Jonson and his sons used to make their liberal meetings.
The mirth of that assembly was threatened by the indiscretion of that double-meaning speaker who is usually in evidence at such gatherings to the confusion of the bride, but happily his career was cut short by the plain sense of the soldier and sailor, as may be read in the pages of the Tatler.
Within easy hail of the Devil, onthe site now occupied by St. Clement's Chambers, Dane's Inn, there stood until 1853 a quaint old hostelry known as the Angel Inn. It dated from the opening years of the sixteenth century at least, for it is specifically named in a letter of February 6th, 1503. In the middle of that century, too, it figures in the progress of Bishop Harper to the martyr's stake, for it was from this inn that prelate was taken to Gloucester to be burnt. The Angel cannot hope to compete with the neighbouring taverns of Fleet Street on the score of literary associations, but the fact that seven or eight mail coaches started from its yard every night will indicate how large a part it played in the life of old London.
Chapter 4: Taverns west of Temple Bar
Even one short generation ago it would have been difficult to recognize in the Strand of that period any resemblance to the picture of that highway given by Stow at the dawn of the seventeenth century. Much less would it have been possible to recall its aspect in those earlier years when it was literally a strand, that is, a low-lying road by the side of the Thames, stretching from Temple-bar to Charing Cross. On the south side of the thoroughfare were the mansions of bishops and nobles dotted at sparse intervals; on the north was open country. To-day there are even fewer survivals of the past than might have been seen thirty years ago. The wholesale clearance of Holywell Street and the buildings to the north has completely transformed the neighbourhood, while along the southern line of the highway, changes almost equally revolutionary have been carried out. As a consequence the inns and taverns of the Strand and the streets leading therefrom have nearly all been swept away, leaving a modern representative only here and there. Utterly vanished, for example, leaving not a wreck behind, are the Spotted Dog and the Craven Head, two houses more or less associated with the sporting fraternity. The former, indeed, was a favourite haunt of prize-fighters and their backers; the latter was notorious for its host, Robert Hales by name, whose unusual stature - he stood seven feet six inches - enabled him "to look down on all his customers, although he was always civil to them." When the novelty of Hales' physical proportions wore off, and trade declined, a new attraction was provided in the form of a couple of buxom barmaids attired in bloomer costume - importations, so the story goes, from the United States.
A far more ancient and reputable house was the Crown and Anchor which had
entrances both on the Strand and Arundel Street. It is referred to by Strype in
his edition of Stow, published in 1720, as "a large and curious house, with
good rooms and other conveniences," and could boast of associations with
Johnson, and Boswell, and Reynolds. Perhaps there was something in the
atmosphere of the place which tended to emphasize Johnson's natural
argumentativeness; at any rate the Crown and Anchor was the scene of his
dispute with Reynolds as to the merits of wine in assisting conversation, and
it was here too that he had his famous bout with Dr. Percy. Boswell describes
him as being in remarkable vigour of mind, and eager to exert himself in
on that occasion, and then transcribes the following proof.
He was vehement against old Dr. Mounsey, of Chelsea College, asa fellow who swore and talked bawdy.I have been often in his company,said Dr. Percy,and never heard him swear or talk bawdy.Mr. Davies, who sat next to Dr. Percy, having after this had some conversation with him, made a discovery which in his zeal to pay court to Dr. Johnson, he eagerly proclaimed aloud from the foot of the table:Oh, sir, I have found out a very good reason why Dr. Percy never heard Mounsey swear or talk bawdy, for he tells me he never saw him but at the Duke of Northumberland's table.And so, sir,said Dr. Johnson loudly to Dr. Percy,you would shield this man from the charge of swearing and talking bawdy, because he did not do so at the Duke of Northumberland's table. Sir, you might as well tell us that you had seen him hold up his hand at the Old Bailey, and he neither swore nor talked bawdy; or that you had seen him in the cart at Tyburn, and he neither swore nor talked bawdy. And is it thus, sir, that you presume to controvert what I have related?Dr. Johnson's animadversion was uttered in such a manner, that Dr. Percy seemed to be displeased, and soon after left the company, of which Johnson did not at that time take any notice.
Nor did the following morning bring any regret. Well,
said he when
Boswell called, we had good talk.
And Boswell's Yes, sir; you tossed
and gored several persons,
no doubt gave him much pleasure.
When the Crown and Anchor was rebuilt in 1790 the accommodation of the
tavern was materially increased by the erection of a large room suitable for
important public occasions and capable of seating upwards of two thousand
persons. That room was but eight years old when it was the scene of a
remarkable gathering. Those were stirring times politically, largely owing to
Fox's change of party and to his adhesion to the cause of electoral reform.
Hence the banquet which took place at the Crown and Anchor on January 24th,
1798, in honour of Fox's birthday. The Duke of Norfolk presided over a company
numbering fully two thousand persons, and the notable men present included
Sheridan and Horne Tooke. The record of the function tells how Captain
- elder brother of the author of Kitty Crowder, and a
song-writer of some fame in his day - produced three new songs on the
and how Mr. Hovell, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Dignum, and several
other gentlemen, in the different rooms sang songs applicable to the fête.
But the ducal chairman's speech and the toasts which followed were the features
of the gathering. The former was commendably brief. We are met,
in a moment of most serious difficulty, to celebrate the birth of a man dear to the friends of freedom. I shall only recall to your memory, that, not twenty years ago, the illustrious George Washington had not more than two thousand men to rally round him when his country was attacked. America is now free. This day full two thousand men are assembled in this place. I leave you to make the application. I propose to you the health of Charles Fox.
Then came the following daring toasts: The rights of the people.
Constitutional redress of the wrongs of the people.
A speedy and
effectual reform in the representation of the people in Parliament.
genuine principles of the British constitution.
The people of Ireland;
and may they be speedily restored to the blessings of law and liberty.
when the chairman's health had been drunk with three times three,
nobleman concluded his speech of thanks with the words: Before I sit down,
give me leave to call on you to drink our sovereign's health:
The majesty of
the people.
Such seditious and daring tendencies,
as the royalist chronicler of
the times described them, could not be overlooked in high quarters, and the
result of that gathering at the Crown and Anchor was that the Duke of Norfolk
was dismissed from the lord-lieutenancy of the west riding of Yorkshire, and
from his regiment in the militia. It would have been a greater punishment could
George III have ordered a bath for the indiscreet orator. That particular
member of the Howard family had a horror of soap and water, and appears to have
been washed only when his servants found him helpless in a drunken stupor. He
it was also who complained to Dudley North that he had vainly tried every
remedy for rheumatism, to receive the answer, Pray, my lord, did you ever
try a clean shirt?
In that district of the Strand known as the Adelphi - so called from the
pile of buildings erected here in 1768 by the brothers Adam - there still
exists an Adelphi Hotel which may well perpetuate the building in which Gibbon
found a temporary home in 1787. Ten years earlier it was known as the Adelphi
Tavern, and on the thirteenth of January was the scene of an exciting episode.
The chief actors in this little drama, which nearly developed into a tragedy,
were a Captain Stony and a Mr. Bates, the latter being the editor of The
Morning Post. It appears that that journal had recently published some
paragraphs reflecting on the character of a lady of rank, whose cause, as the
sequel will show, Captain Stony had good reason for making his own. Whether the
offending editor had been lured to the Adelphi ignorant of what was in store,
or whether the angry soldier met him there by accident, does not transpire; the
record implies, however, that the couple had a room to themselves in which to
settle accounts. The conflict opened with each discharging his pistol at the
other, but without effect, which does not speak well for the marksmanship of
either. Then they took to their swords, with the result of the captain
receiving wounds in the breast and arm and Mr. Bates a thrust in the thigh,
clearly demonstrating that at this stage the man of the pen had the better of
the man of the sword. And he maintained the advantage. For a little later the
editor's weapon bent and slanted against the captain's breast-bone.
having his attention called to the fact the soldier agreed that Mr. Bates
should straighten his blade. At this critical moment, however, while, indeed,
the journalist had his sword under his foot, the door of the room was broken
open and the combatants separated. On the Sunday following,
so the
sequel reads, Captain Stony was married to the lady in whose behalf he had
thus hazarded his life.
Duels were so common in those days that Gibbon probably heard nothing about
the fight in the Adelphi when he took rooms there one hot August day in 1787.
Besides, he had more important matters to occupy his thoughts. Only six weeks
had passed since, between the hours of eleven and twelve at night, he had, in
the summer house of his garden at Laussanne, written the last sentence of
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and now he had arrived
in London with the final instalment of the manuscript on which he had bestowed
the labour of nearly twenty years. The heightened mood he experienced on the
completion of his memorable task may well have persisted to the hour of his
arrival in London. Some reflection of that feeling perhaps underlay the jocular
announcement of his letter from the Adelphi to Lord Sheffield, wherein he
wrote: INTELLIGENCE EXTRAORDINARY. This day (August the seventh) the
celebrated E. G. arrived with a numerous retinue (one servant). We hear that he
has brought over from Laussanne the remainder of his History for immediate
Gibbon remained at the Adelphi for but a few days, after which
the story of the tavern lapses into the happiness which is supposed to accrue
from a lack of history.
Before retracing his steps to explore the many interesting thoroughfares
which branch off from the Strand, the pilgrim should continue on that highway
to its western extremity at Charing Cross. The memory of several famous inns is
associated with that locality, including the Swan, the Golden Cross, Locket's,
and the Rummer. The first named dated from the fifteenth century. It survived
sufficiently long to be frequented by Ben Jonson and is the subject of an
anecdote told of that poet. Being called upon to make an extemporary grace
before King James, and having ended his last line but one with the word
Jonson finished with the words, God blesse me, and God blesse
The inquisitive monarch naturally wanted to know who Ralph was, and
the poet replied that he was the drawer at the Swanne Taverne by Charing
Crosse, who drew him good Canarie.
It is feasible to conclude that no small
portion of the hundred pounds with which the king rewarded Jonson was expended
on that good Canarie.
And perhaps Ralph was not forgotten.
By name, at any rate, the Golden Cross is still in existence, but the present building dates no farther back than 1832. Of Locket's ordinary, however, no present-day representative exists. When Leigh Hunt wrote The Town he declared that it was no longer known where it exactly stood, but more recent investigators have discovered that Drummond's banking house covers its site.
As was the case with Pontack's in the city, Locket's was pre-eminently the
resort of the smart set.
The prices charged are proof enough of
that, even though they were not always paid. The case of Sir
George Ethrege is one in point. That dissolute dramatist and diplomat of the
Restoration period was a frequent customer at Locket's until his debt there
became larger than his means to discharge it. Before that catastrophe overtook
him he was the principal actor in a lively scene at the tavern. Something or
other caused an outbreak of fault-finding one evening, and the commotion
brought Mrs. Locket on the scene. We are all so provoked,
said Sir
George to the lady, that even I could find in my heart to pull the nosegay
out of your bosom, and throw the flowers in your face.
Nor was that the only humorous threat against Mrs. Locket from the same
mouth. Probably because he was so good a customer and an influential man about
town, his indebtedness to the ordinary was allowed to mount up until it reached
a formidable figure. And then Sir George stopped his visits. Mrs. Locket,
however, sent some one to dun him for the money and to threaten him with
prosecution. But that did not daunt the wit. He bade the messenger tell Mrs.
Locket that he would kiss her if she stirred in the matter. Sir George's
command was duly obeyed. It stirred Mrs. Locket to action. Calling for her hood
and scarf, and declaring that she would see if there was any fellow alive
that had the impudence,
she was about to set out to put the matter to the
test when her husband restrained her with his Pr'ythee, my dear, don't be so
rash, you don't know what a man may do in his passion.
It is not difficult to understand how the bill of Sir George Ethrege reached
such alarming proportions. They shall compose you a dish,
is a
contemporary reference, no bigger than a saucer, shall come to fifty
And again,
At Locket's, Brown's, and at Pontack's enquire
What modish kickshaws the nice beaux desire,
What fam'd ragouts, what new invented sallat,
Has best pretensions to regale the palate.
Adam Locket, the founder of the house, lived until about 1688, and was succeeded by his son Edward who was at the head of affairs until 1702. All through the reign of Queen Anne the ordinary flourished, but after her death references to it become scanty and finally it disappeared so completely that Leigh Hunt, as has been said, was in ignorance as to its site.
And Hunt also owned to not knowing the site of another Charing Cross tavern, the Rummer. As a matter of fact that, to modern ear, curiously-named tavern was at first located almost next door to Locket's, whence it was removed to the waterside in 1710 and burnt down in 1750. The memory of the tavern would probably have sunk into oblivion with its charred timbers, save for the accident of its connection with Matthew Prior. For the Rummer was kept by an uncle of the future poet, into whose keeping he is supposed to have fallen on the death of his father. One cannot resist the suspicion that this uncle, Samuel Prior by name, was of a shifty nature. He had serious enemies, that is certain. The best proof of that fact is the announcement he inserted in the London Gazette offering a reward of ten guineas for the discovery of the persons who spread the report that he was in league with the clippers of aoin. Then there is the nephew's portrait, which implies that his tavern-keeping relative was an adept in the tricks of his trade.
My uncle, rest his soul! when living,
Might have contrived me ways of thriving;
Taught me with cider to replenish
My vats, or ebbing tide of Rhenish;
So, when for hock I drew pricked white-wine,
Swear't had the flavour, and was right-wine.
Destiny, however, had decided the nephew's fate otherwise. The Earl of Dorset, so the story goes, was at the Rummer with a party one day when a dispute arose over a passage in Horace. Young Prior, then a scholar of Westminster, was called in to decide the point, and so admirably did he do it that the earl immediately undertook to pay his expenses at Cambridge. He, in fact, "spoiled the youth to make a poet." Annotators of Hogarth have pointed out that the scene of his "Night" picture was laid in that district of Charing Cross where Locket's and the Rummer were situated.
Harking back now to Drury Lane the explorer finds himself in the midst of the memories of many daring adventures. The Jacobites who aimed at the dethroning of William III were responsible for one of those episodes. During the absence of that monarch they tried to raise a riot in London on the birthday of the Prince of Wales. Macaulay tells the rest of the story.
They met at a tavern in Drury Lane, and, when hot with wine, sallied forth sword in hand, headed by Porter and Goodman, beat kettledrums, unfurled banners, and began to light bonfires. But the watch, supported by the populace, was too strong for the revellers. They were put to rout: the tavern where they had feasted was sacked by the mob: the ringleaders were apprehended, tried, fined, and imprisoned, but regained their liberty in time to bear a part in a far more criminal design.
Noisy brawls and dark deeds became common in Drury Lane. It was the haunt of
such quarrelsome persons as that Captain Fantom, who, coming out of the
Horseshoe Tavern late one night, was offended by the loud jingling spurs of a
lieutenant he met, and forthwith challenged him to a duel and killed him. And
the tavern-keepers of Drury Lane were not always model citizens. There was that
Jack Grimes, for example, whose death in Holland in 1769 recalled the
circumstance that he was known as "Lawyer Grimes," and formerly kept the Nag's
Head Tavern in Princes' Street, Drury Lane, and was transported several
years ago for fourteen years, for receiving fish, knowing them to be
There is, however, one relieving touch in the tavern history of
this thoroughfare. One of its houses of public entertainment was the
meeting-place of a club of virtuosi, for whose club-room Louis Laguerre, the
French painter who settled in London in 1683, designed and executed a
Bacchanalian procession. This was the artist who was coupled with Verrio in
Pope's depreciatory line, Where sprawl the Saints of Verrio and
Poets and prose writers alike were wont to agree in giving Catherine Street
an unenviable reputation. Gay is specially outspoken in his description of that
thoroughfare and the class by which it used to be haunted. It was in this
street, too, that Jessop's once flourished, the most disreputable night
house of London.
That nest of iniquity, however, has long been cleared
away, and there are no means of identifying that tavern of which Boswell
speaks. He describes it, on the authority of Dr. Johnson, as a
pretty good tavern, where very good company met in an evening, and each man called for his own half-pint of wine, or gill if he pleased; they were frugal men, and nobody paid but for what he himself drank. The house furnished no supper; but a woman attended with mutton pies, which anybody might purchase.
If the testimony of Pope is to be trusted, the cuisine of the Bedford Head,
which was described in 1736 as a noted tavern for eating, drinking, and
gaming, in Southampton Street, Covent Garden,
was decidedly out of the
ordinary. In his imitation of the second satire of Horace he makes Oldfield,
the notorious glutton who exhausted a fortune of fifteen hundred pounds a year
in the simple luxury of good eating,
Let me extol a Cat, on oysters fed,
I'll have a party at the Bedford-head.
And in another poem he asks,
When sharp with hunger, scorn you to be fed,
Except on pea-chicks at the Bedford-head?
There is an earlier reference to this house than the one cited above, for an
advertisement of June, 1716, alludes to it as the Duke of Bedford's Head
Tavern in Southampton Street, Covent Garden.
Perhaps the most notable event
in its history was it being the scene of an abortive attempt to repeat in 1741
that glorification of Admiral Vernon which was a great success in 1740. That
seaman, it will be remembered, had in 1739 kept his promise to capture Porto
Bello with a squadron of but six ships. That the capture was effected with the
loss of but seven men made the admiral a popular hero, and in the following
year his birthday was celebrated in London with great acclaim. But in 1740 his
attempt to seize Cartagena ended in complete failure, and another enterprise
against Santiago came to a similar result. All this, however, did not daunt his
personal friends, who wished to engineer another demonstration in Vernon's
honour. Horace Walpole tells how the attempt failed. I believe I told
he wrote to one of his friends,
that Vernon's birthday passed quietly, but it was not designed to be pacific; for at twelve at night, eight gentlemen dressed like sailors, and masked, went round Covent Garden with a drum beating for a volunteer mob; but it did not take; and they retired to a great supper that was prepared for them at the Bedford Head, and ordered by Whitehead, the author of Manners.
At a later date it was the meeting-place of a club to which John Wilkes belonged.
In all London there is probably no thoroughfare of equal brief length which can boast so many deeply interesting associations as Maiden Lane, which stretches between Southampton and Bedford Streets in the vicinity of Covent Garden. Andrew Marvell had lodgings here in 1677; Voltaire made it his headquarters on his visit to London in 1727; it was the scene of the birth of Joseph Mallord William Turner in 1775; and while one tavern was the rendezvous of the conspirators against the life of William III, another was the favourite haunt of Richard Porson, than whom there is hardly a more illustrious name in the annals of English classical scholarship.
While the name of the conspirators' tavern is not mentioned by Macaulay,
that frequented by Porson had wide fame under the sign of the Cider Cellars. It
had been better for the great scholar's health had nothing but cider been sold
therein. But that would hardly have suited his tastes. It is a kindly judgment
which asserts that he would have achieved far more than he actually did if
the sobriety of his life had been equal to the honesty and truthfulness of his
All accounts agree that the charms of his society in such
gatherings as those at the Cider Cellars were irresistible. Nothing,
the testimony of one friend,
could be more gratifying than a tête-à-tête with him; his recitations from Shakespeare, and his ingenious etymologies and dissertations on the roots of the English language were a high treat.And another declares that nothing
came amiss to his memory; he would set a child right in his twopenny fable-book, repeat the whole of the moral tale of the Dean of Badajos, or a page of Athenæus on cups, or Eustathius on Homer.One anecdote tells of his repeating the Rape of the Lock, making observations as he went on, and noting the various readings. And an intimate friend records the following incident connected with the tavern he held most in regard.
I have heard Professor Porson at the Cider Cellars in Maiden Lane recite from memory to delighted listeners the whole of Anstey's Pleaders' Guide. He concluded by relating that when buying a copy of it and complaining that the price was very high, the bookseller said,Yes, sir, but you know Law books are always very dear.
Somewhat earlier than Porson's day another convivial soul haunted this
neighbourhood. This was George Alexander Stevens, the strolling player who
eventually attained a place in the company of Covent Garden theatre. He was an
indifferent actor but an excellent lecturer. One of his discourses, a lecture
on Heads, was immensely popular in England, and not less so in Boston and
Philadelphia. Prior to the affluence which he won by his lecture tours he had
frequently to do penance in jail for the debts of the tavern.
He was, as
Campbell says, a leading member of all the great Bacchanalian clubs of his day,
and had no mean gift in writing songs in praise of hard drinking. One of these
deserves a better fate than the oblivion into which it has fallen, and may be
cited here as eminently descriptive of the scenes enacted nightly in such a
resort as the Cider Cellars.
Contented I am, and contented I'll be,
For what can this world more afford,
Than a lass that will sociably sit on my knee,
And a cellar as sociably stored.
My brave boys.My vault door is open, descend and improve,
That cask, - ay, that will we try.
'Tis as rich to the taste as the lips of your love,
And as bright as her cheeks to the eye:
My brave boys.In a piece of slit hoop, see my candle is stuck,
'Twill light us each bottle to hand;
The foot of my glass for the purpose I broke,
As I hate that a bumper should stand,
My brave boys.Astride on a butt, as a butt should be strod,
I gallop the brusher along;
Like a grape-blessing Bacchus, the good fellow's god,
And a sentiment give, or a song,
My brave boys.We are dry where we sit, though the coying drops seem
With pearls the moist walls to emboss;
From the arch mouldy cobwebs in gothic taste stream,
Like stucco-work cut out of moss:
My brave boys.When the lamp is brimful, how the taper flame shines,
Which, when moisture is wanting, decays;
Replenish the lamp of my life with rich wines,
Or else there's an end of my blaze,
My brave boys.Sound those pipes, they're in tune, and those bins are well fill'd;
View that heap of old Hock in your rear;
'Yon bottles are Burgundy! mark how they're pil'd,
Like artillery, tier over tier,
My brave boys.My cellar's my camp, and my soldiers my flasks,
All gloriously rang'd in review;
When I cast my eyes round, I consider my casks
As kingdoms I've yet to subdue,
My brave boys.Like Macedon's Madman, my glass I'll enjoy,
Defying hyp, gravel, or gout;
He cried when he had no more worlds to destroy,
I'll weep when my liquor is out,
My brave boys.On their stumps some have fought, and as stoutly will I,
When reeling, I roll on the floor;
Then my legs must be lost, so I'll drink as I lie,
And dare the best Buck to do more,
My brave boys.Tis my will when I die, not a tear shall be shed,
No Hic Jacet be cut on my stone;
But pour on my coffin a bottle of red,
And say that his drinking is done,
My brave boys.
Although to-day celebrated chiefly for being the central clearing-house for
the flower, fruit and vegetable supply of London, Covent Garden as a whole can
vie with any other district of the British capital in wealth of interesting
association. The market itself dates from the middle of the seventeenth
century, but the area was constituted a parish a few years earlier. By that
time, however, it could boast many town residences of the nobility, and several
inns. One of these has its name preserved only in the records of the House of
Lords, in a letter from a John Button at Amsterdam, who wrote to his brother
with Mr. Wm. Wayte, at the sign of the Horseshoe, Covent Garden.
But the
taverns of greater note, such as Chatelaine's, the Fleece, the Rose, the
Hummums, and Macklin's ill-fated ordinary, belong to more recent times.
Which of these houses was first established it would be hard to say. There can be no question, however, that Chatelaine's ordinary was in great repute during the reign of Charles II, and that it continued in high favour throughout the latter years of the seventeenth century. Pepys alludes to it in 1667 and again in his entries of the following year. On the second occasion his visit interfered with toothsome purchases he was making for a dinner at his own house.
To the fishmonger's, and bought a couple of lobsters, and over to the 'sparagus garden, thinking to have met Mr. Pierce, and his wife, and Knipp; but met their servant coming to bring me to Chatelin's, the French house, in Covent Garden, and there with musick and good company, Manuel and his wife, and one Swaddle, a clerk of Lord Arlington's, who dances, and speaks French well, but got drunk, and was then troublesome, and here mighty merry till ten at night. This night the Duke of Monmouth and a great many blades were at Chatelin's, and I left them there, with a hackney-coach attending him.
This was a different experience than fell to the lot of Pepys on the
previous occasion, for he tells how the dinner cost the party eight shillings
and sixpence apiece, and it was a base dinner, which did not please us at
The ordinary was evidently in the same class as Pontack's and
Locket's, as may be inferred from it being classed with the latter in one
contemporary reference:
Next these we welcome such as firstly dine
At Locket's, at Gifford's, or with Shataline.
Allusions in the plays of the period also show it was the resort of those
who thought quite as much of spending money as of eating. Thus Shadwell makes
one of his characters say of another who had risen in life that he was one
that the other day could eat but one meal a day, and that at a threepenny
ordinary, now struts in state and talks of nothing but Shattelin's and
And another dramatist throws some light on the character of its
frequenters by the remark, Come, prettie, let's go dine at Chateline's, and
there I'll tell you my whole business.
Far less fashionable was the Fleece tavern, where Pepys found pleasant
entertainment on several occasions. His earliest reference to the house is in
his account of meeting two gentlemen who told him how a Scottish knight was
killed basely the other day at the Fleece,
but that tale did not prevent
him from visiting the tavern himself. Along with a Captain Cuttle
two others he went thither to drink, and there we spent till four o'clock,
telling stories of Algiers, and the manner of life of slaves there.
then he tells how one night he dropped in at the Opera for the last act and
there found Mr. Sanchy and Mrs. Mary Archer, sister to the fair Betty, whom I
did admire at Cambridge, and thence took them to the Fleece in Covent Garden;
but Mr. Sanchy could not by any argument get his lady to trust herself with him
into the taverne, which he was much troubled at.
Equally lively reputations were enjoyed by the Rose and the Hummums. The
former was conveniently situated for first-nighters at the King's Playhouse, as
Pepys found on a May midday in 1668. Anxious to see the first performance of
Sir Charles Sedley's new play, which had been long awaited with great
expectation, he got to the theatre at noon, only to find the doors not yet
open. Gaining admission shortly after he seems to have been content to sit for
a while and watch the gathering audience. But eventually the pangs of hunger
mastered him, and so, getting a boy to keep his place, he slipped out to the
Rose Tavern, and there got half a breast of mutton off the spit, and dined all
Twenty years later the vicinity of the Rose gained an unenviable
reputation. A man could not go from the Rose Tavern to the Piazza once, but
he must venture his life twice.
And it maintained that reputation well into
the next century, growing ever more and more in favour with the gamblers and
rufflers of the times. It was at the bar of this house that Hildebrand Horden,
an actor of talent and one who promised to win a great name, was killed in a
brawl. Colley Cibber tells that he was exceedingly handsome, and that before he
was buried it was observable that two or three days together several of the
fair sex, well dressed, came in masks, and some in their own coaches, to visit
the theatrical hero in his shroud.
To the student of etymology the name of the Hummums tells its own tale. The
word is a near approach to the Arabic Hammam,
meaning a hot bath, and
hence implies an establishment for bathing in the Oriental manner. The tavern
in Covent Garden bearing that name was one of the first bathing establishments
founded in England, and the fact that it introduced a method of ablution which
had its origin in a country of slavery prompted Leigh Hunt to reflect that
Englishmen need not have wondered how Eastern nations could endure their
This is one of the secrets by which they endure it. A free man in a dirty skin is not in so fit a state to endure existence as a slave with a clean one; because nature insists that a due attention to the clay which our souls inhabit shall be the first requisite to the comfort of the inhabitant. Let us not get rid of our freedom; let us teach it rather to those that want it; but let such of us as have them, by all means get rid of our dirty skins. There is now a moral and intellectual commerce among mankind, as well as an interchange of inferior goods; we should send freedom to Turkey as well as clocks and watches, and import not only figs, but a fine state of pores.
John Wolcot, the satirist to whom, as Peter Pindar, nothing was sacred, and who surely had more accomplishments to fall back upon than ever poet had before, having been in turns doctor, clergyman, politician and painter, found a congenial resort at the Hummums when he established himself in London. He preserved the memory of the house in verse, but it is an open question whether his reflections on the horrible sounds of which he complains should be referred to Covent Garden or to the city he had abandoned.
In Covent Garden at the Hummums, now
I sit, but after many a curse and vow,
Never to see the madding City more;
Where barrows truckling o'er the pavement roll:
And, what is sorrow to a tuneful soul,
Where asses, asses greeting, love songs roar:
Which asses, that the Garden square adorn,
Must lark-like be the heralds of my morn.
Those love songs have not ceased in Covent Garden; the amorous duets are to be heard to this day from the throats of countless costermongers' donkeys. But they disturb Peter Pindar's tuneful soul no more as he lies in his grave near by.
It would be a grave injustice to the Hummums to overlook the fact that it
possessed a ghost-story of its own. Its subject was Dr. Johnson's cousin, the
Parson Ford in whom both talents and good dispositions were disgraced by
and the story was told to Boswell by Johnson himself. A
waiter at the Hummums,
Johnson said,
in which house Ford died, had been absent for some time, and returned, not knowing that Ford was dead. Going down to the cellar, according to the story, he met him; going down again, he met him a second time. When he came up he asked some of the people of the house what Ford could be doing there. They told him Ford was dead. The waiter took a fever, in which he lay for some time. When he recovered, he said he had a message to deliver to some women from Ford; but he was not to tell what or to whom. He walked out; he was followed; but somewhere about St. Paul's they lost him. He came back and said he had delivered it, and the women exclaimed,Then we are all undone!Dr. Pellet, who was not a credulous man, inquired into the truth of this story, and he said the evidence was irresistible.
A tantalizing ghost-story this, and one that begets regret that the Society for Psychical Research did not enter on its labours a century or so earlier.
One other tavern, or ordinary, of unusual interest spent its brief career of less than a year under the Piazza of Covent Garden. It was the experiment of Charles Macklin, an eighteenth century actor of undoubted talent and just as undoubted conceit and eccentricity. He had reached rather more than the midway of his long life - he was certainly ninety-seven when he died and may have been a hundred - when he resolved to leave the stage and carry out an idea over which he had long ruminated. 'This was nothing less than the establishment of what he grandiloquently called the British Institution.
So much in earnest was Macklin that he accepted a farewell benefit at Drury
Lane theatre, at which he recited a good-bye prologue commending his daughter
to the favour of playgoers. In the greenroom that night, when regrets were
expressed at the loss of so admirable an actor, Foote remarked, You need not
fear; he will first break in business, and then break his word.
And Foote
did not a little to make his prophecy come true. For a part of Macklin's
scheme, whereby he was to instruct the public and fill his own pockets at the
same time, was a lecture-room on the plan of the ancient Greek, Roman, and
Modern French and Italian Societies of liberal investigation.
appointed himself the instructor in chief, and there was hardly a subject under
the sun upon which he was not prepared to enlighten the British public at the
moderate price of one shilling each person.
The first two or three
lectures were a success. Then the novelty wore off and opposition began. Foote
set up a rival oratory and devoted himself to the simple task of burlesquing
that of Macklin. He would impersonate Macklin in his armchair, examining a
pupil in classics after this fashion.
Well, sir, did you ever hear of Aristophanes?
Yes, sir; a Greek Dramatist, who wrote -
Ay; but I have got twenty comedies in these drawers, worth his Clouds and stuff. Do you know anything of Cicero?
A celebrated Orator of Rome, who in the polished and persuasive is considered a master in his art.
Yes, yes; but I'll be bound he couldn't teach Elocution.
Of course all this raillery was more attractive to the public than Macklin's serious and pedagogic dissertations. The result may be imagined. Foote's oratory was crowded; Macklin's empty.
But that was not the worst. Another feature of the British Institution was
the establishment of the ordinary aforesaid. The prospectus of the Institution
bore this notice: There is a public ordinary every day at four o'clock,
price three shillings. Each person to drink port, claret, or whatever liquor he
shall choose.
A disastrous precursor of the free lunch this would seem. And
so it proved. But not immediately. Attracted by the novelty of having a famous
actor for host, the ordinary went swimmingly for a time. Macklin presided in
person. As soon as the door of the room was shut - a bell rang for five
minutes, a further ten minutes' grace was given, and then no more were admitted
- the late actor bore in the first dish and then took his place at the
elaborate sideboard to superintend further operations. Dinner over, and the
bottles and glasses placed on the table, Macklin, quitting his former
situation, walked gravely up to the front of the table and hoped
He retired to read over the notes of the
lecture he had prepared for these same guests, and during his absence for the
rest of the evening his waiters and cooks seized the opportunity to reap their
harvest. The sequel of the tale was soon told in the bankruptcy court, and
Macklin went back to the stage, as Foote said he would. And now he lies
peacefully enough in his grave in the Covent Garden St. Paul's, within stone's
throw of the scene where he tried to be a tavern-keeper and failed. that all
things were found agreeable;
after which he passed the bell-rope round the
chair of the person who happened to sit at the head of the table, and, making a
low bow at the door, retired.
Chapter 5: Inns and taverns further afield
Outside the more or less clearly defined limits of the city, the
neighbourhood of St. Paul's, Fleet Street, the Strand and Covent Garden, the
explorer of the inns and taverns of old London may encircle the metropolis from
any given point and find something of interest everywhere. Such a point of
departure may be made, for example, in the parish of Lambeth, where, directly
opposite the Somerset House of to-day, once stood the Feathers Tavern connected
with Cuper's Gardens. The career of that resort was materially interfered with
by the passing of an act in 1752 for the regulation of places of entertainment
and punishing persons keeping disorderly houses.
The act stipulated that
every place kept for public dancing, music, or other entertainment, within
twenty miles of the city, should be under a license.
Evidently it was found impossible to secure a license for Cuper's Gardens, for in a public print of May 22nd, 1754, the Widow Evans advertises that
having been deny'd her former Liberty of opening her Gardens as usual, through the malicious representations of ill-meaning persons, she therefore begs to acquaint the Public that she hath open'd them as a Tavern till further notice. Coffee and Tea at any hour of the day.
There is no record of the Widow Evans ever recovering her former
and hence the necessity of continuing the place as a tavern
merely, with its seductive offer of coffee and tea at any hour.
without a license, however, a concert was announced for the night of August
30th, 1759, the law being evaded by the statement that the vocal and
instrumental programme was to be given by a select number of gentlemen for
their own private diversion.
As there is no record of any other
entertainment having been given at the Feathers, it is probable that this
attempt to dodge the law met with condign punishment, and resulted in the
closing of the place for good. After it had stood unoccupied for some time Dr.
Johnson passed it in the company of Beauclerk, Langton, and Lady Sydney
Beauclerk, and made a sportive suggestion that he and Beauclerk and Langton
should take it. We amused ourselves,
he said, with scheming how we
should all do our parts. Lady Sydney grew angry and said,
Though Johnson did not carry his joke into effect, the Feathers has not lacked
for perpetuation, as is shown by the modern public-house of that name in the
vicinity of Waterloo Bridge. An old man should
not put such things in young people's heads.
She had no notion of a joke,
sir; had come late into life, and had a mighty unpliable understanding.
From Lambeth to Westminster is an easy journey, but unhappily there are no
survivals of the numerous inns which figure in records of the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries. One of those hostelries makes its appearance in the
expense sheet of a Roger Keate who went to London in 1575 on the business of
his town of Weymouth. He notes that on Friday the tenth day of February, in
the companie of certain courtiars, and of Mr. Robert Gregorie, at Westminster,
at the Sarrazin's Head
he spent the sum of five shillings. This must have
been a particularly festive occasion, for a subsequent dinner cost Mr. Keate
but twenty pence, and sundrie drinkinges
another day left him the poorer
by but two shillings and twopence.
Another document, this time of date 1641, perpetuates the memory of a second Westminster inn in a lively manner. This is a petition of a constable of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields to the House of Commons, and concerned the misdoings of certain apprentices at the time of the riot caused by Colonel Lunsford's assault on the citizens of Westminster. The petitioner, Peter Scott by name, stated that he tried to appease the 'prentices by promising to release their fellows detained as prisoners in the Mermaid tavern. When he and another constable approached the door of the house, his colleague was thrust in the leg with a sword from within, which so enraged the 'prentices - though why is not explained - that they broke into the tavern, and the keeper had since prosecuted the harmless Peter Scott for causing a riot.
Numerous as were the taverns of Westminster, it is probable that the greater
proportion of them were to be found in one thoroughfare, to wit, King Street.
It was the residence and place of business of one particularly aggressive
brewer in the closing quarter of the seventeenth century. This vendor of ale,
John England by name, had the distinction of being the King's brewer, and he
appears to have thought that that position gave him more rights than were
possessed by ordinary mortals. So when an order was made prohibiting the
passing of drays through King Street during certain hours of the day, he told
the constables that he, the King's brewer, cared nothing for the order of the
House of Lords. The example proved infectious. Other brewers' draymen became
obstreperous too, one calling the beadle that stopped him a rogue
another vowing that if he knew the beadle he would have a touch with him at
But all these fiery spirits of King Street were brought to
their senses, and are found expressing sorrow for their offence and praying for
their discharge.
According to the legend started by Ben Jonson, this same King Street was the
scene of poet Spenser's death of starvation. He died,
so Jonson said,
for want of bread in King Street; he refused twenty pieces sent him by my
Lord Essex, and said he was sure he had no time to spend them.
This myth is
continually cropping up, but no evidence has been adduced in its support. The
fact that he died in a tavern in King Street tells against the story. That
thoroughfare, then the only highway between the Royal Palace of Whitehall and
the Parliament House, was a street of considerable importance, and Spenser's
presence there is explained by Stow's remark that for the accommodation of
such as come to town in the terms, here are some good inns for their reception,
and not a few taverns for entertainment, as is not unusual in places of great
There are ample proofs, too, that King Street was the usual
resort of those who were messengers to the Court, such as Spenser was at the
time of his death.
It is strange, however, that not many of the names of these taverns have
survived. Yet there are two, the Leg and the Bell, to which there are allusions
in seventeenth century records. There is one reference in that Parliamentary
supposed to have been written by Thomas Burton, the book which
Carlyle characterized as being filled with mere dim inanity and moaning
This chronicler, under date December 18th, 1656, tells how he dined
with the clothworkers at the Leg, and how after dinner I was awhile at the
Leg with Major-General Howard and Mr. Briscoe.
Being so near Whitehall in
one direction and the Parliament House in the other, it is not surprising to
learn that the nimble Pepys was a frequent visitor at the tavern. After a
morning at Whitehall with my lord
in June, 1660, he dined there with a
couple of friends. Nearly a year later business took him to the House of Lords,
but as he failed to achieve the purpose he had in view he sought consolation at
the Leg, where he dined very merry.
A more auspicious occasion took
place three years after.
To the Exchequer, and there got my tallys for £17,500, the first payment I ever had out of the Exchequer, and at the Legg spent 14s. upon my old acquaintance, some of them the clerks, and away home with my tallys in a coach, fearful every moment of having one of them fall out, or snatched from me.
He was equally glowing with satisfaction when he visited the tavern again in
1667. All sorts of compliments had been paid him that day, and he had been
congratulated even by the King and the Duke of York. I spent the morning
thus walking in the Hall, being complimented by everybody with admiration: and
at noon stepped into the Legg with Sir William Warren.
Then there was that other house in King Street, the Bell, upon which the
diarist bestowed some of his patronage. On his first visit he was caught in a
neat little trap. Met with Purser Washington, with whom and a lady, a friend
of his, I dined at the Bell Tavern in King Street, but the rogue had no more
manners than to invite me, and to let me pay my club.
Which was too bad of
the Purser, when Pepys' head and heart were full of infinite business.
The next call, however, was more satisfactory and less expensive. He merely
dropped in to see the seven Flanders mares that my Lord has bought
But the Bell had a history both before and after Pepys' time. It is
referred to so far back as the middle of the fifteenth century, and it was in
high favour as the headquarters of the October Club in the reign of Queen Anne.
During the eighteenth century many fashionable resorts were located in Pall Mall and neighbouring streets. In Pall Mall itself was the famous Star and Garter, and close by was St. Alban's Tavern, celebrated for its political gatherings and public dinners. Horace Walpole has several allusions to the house and tells an anecdote which illustrates the wastefulness of young men about town. A number of these budding aristocrats were dining at St. Alban's Tavern and found the noise of the coaches outside jar upon their sensitive nerves. So they promptly ordered the street to be littered with straw, and probably cared little that the freak cost them fifty shillings each.
No doubt the charges at the St. Allan's were in keeping with the exclusive
character of the house, and it might be inferred that the same would have held
good at the Star and Garter. But that was not the case. Many testimonies to the
moderate charges of that house have been cited. Perhaps the most conclusive
evidence on this point is furnished by Swift, who was always a bit of a haggler
as to the prices he paid at taverns. It was at his suggestion that the little
club to which he belonged discarded the tavern they had been used to meeting in
and went to the Star and Garter for their dinner. The other dog,
wrote in one of his little letters to Stella, was so extravagant in his
bills that for four dishes, and four, first and second course, without wine or
dessert, he charged twenty-one pounds, six shillings and eightpence.
the bill at the Star and Garter was more reasonable is a safe inference from
the absence of any complaint on the part of Swift.
Several clubs were wont to meet under this roof. Among these was the Nottinghamshire Club, an association of gentlemen who had estates in that county and were in the habit of dining together when in town. One such gathering, however, had a tragic termination. It took place on January 26th, 1765, and among those present were William Chaworth, John Hewett, Lord Byron, a great-uncle of the poet, and seven others. Perfect harmony prevailed until about seven o'clock, when the wine was brought in and conversation became general. At this juncture one member of the company started a conversation about the best method of preserving game, and the subject was at once taken up by Mr. Chaworth and Lord Byron, who seem to have held entirely opposite views. The former was in favour of severity against all poachers, the latter declaring that the best way to have most game was to take no care of it all. Nettled by this opposition, Mr. Chaworth ejaculated that he had more game on five acres than Lord Byron had on all his manors. Retorts were bandied to and fro, until finally Mr. Chaworth clenched matters by words which were tantamount to a challenge to a duel.
Nothing more was said, however, and the company was separating when Mr. Chaworth and Lord Byron happened to meet on a landing. What transpired at first then is not known, but evidently the quarrel was resumed in some form or other, for the two joined in calling a waiter and asking to be shown into an empty room. The waiter obeyed, opening the door and placing a small tallow candle on the table before he retired. The next news from that room was the ringing of a bell, and when it was answered it was found that Mr. Chaworth was mortally wounded. What had happened was explained by Mr. Chaworth, who said that he could not live many hours; that he forgave Lord Byron, and hoped the world would; that the affair had passed in the dark, only a small tallow candle burning in the room; that Lord Byron asked him if he meant the conversation on the game to Sir Charles Sedley or to him? To which he replied, if you have anything to say, we had better shut the door; that while he was doing this, Lord Byron bid him draw, and, in turning, he saw his lordship's sword half drawn, on which he whipped out his own, and made the first pass; the sword being through his lordship's waistcoat, he thought he had killed him, and asking whether he was not mortally wounded, Lord Byron, while he was speaking, shortened his sword, and stabbed him in the abdomen. Mr. Chaworth survived but a few hours. There was a trial, of course, but it ended in Lord Byron's acquittal on the ground that he had been guilty of but manslaughter. And the poet, the famous grand-nephew, rounds off this story of the Star and Garter by declaring that his relative, so far from feeling any remorse for the death of Mr. Chaworth, always kept the sword he had used with such fatal effect and had it hanging in his bedroom when he died.
Although the neighbouring Suffolk Street is a most decorous thoroughfare at the present time, and entirely innocent of taverns, it was furnished with two, the Cock and The Golden Eagle, in the latter portion of the seventeenth century. At the former Evelyn dined on one occasion with the councillors of the Board of Trade; at the latter, on January 30th, 1735, occurred the riot connected with the mythical Calf's Head Club. How the riot arose is something of a mystery. It seems, however, that a mob was gathered outside the tavern by the spreading of the report that some young nobles were dining within on a calf's head in ridicule of the execution of Charles I, and a lurid account was afterwards circulated as to how a bleeding calf's head, wrapped in a napkin, was thrown out of the window, while the merrymakers within drank all kinds of confusion to the Stuart race. According to the narrative of one who was in the tavern, the calf's head business was wholly imaginary. Nor was the date of the dinner a matter of prearrangement. It seems that the start of the commotion was occasioned by some of the company inside observing that some boys outside had made a bonfire, which, in their hilarity, they were anxious to emulate. So a waiter was commissioned to make a rival conflagration, and then the row began. It grew to such proportions that the services of a justice and a strong body of guards were required ere peace could be restored to Suffolk Street.
Rare indeed is it to find a tavern in this district which can claim a clean
record in the matter of brawls, and duels, and sudden deaths. Each of the two
most famous houses of the Haymarket, that is, Long's and the Blue Posts Tavern,
had its fatality. It was at the former ordinary, which must not be confused
with another of the same name in Covent Garden, that Philip Herbert, the
seventh Earl of Pembroke, committed one of those murderous assaults for which
he was distinguished. He killed a man in a duel in 1677, and in the first month
of the following year was committed to the Tower for blasphemous words.
That imprisonment, however, was of brief duration, for in February a man
petitioned the House of Lords for protection from the earl's violence. And the
day before, in a drunken scuffle at Long's he had killed a man named Nathaniel
Cony. This did not end his barbarous conduct, for two years later he murdered
an officer of the watch, when returning from a drinking bout at Turnham Green.
Mercifully for the peace of the community this blood-thirsty peer died at the
age of thirty. At the Blue Posts Tavern the disputants were a Mr. Moon and a
Mr. Hunt, who began their quarrel in the house, and as they came out at the
door they drew their swords, and the latter was run through and immediately
There was another Blue Posts in Spring Gardens close by, which became
notorious from being the resort of the Jacobites. This, in fact, was the house
in which Robert Charnock and his fellow conspirators were at breakfast when
news reached them which proved that their plot had been discovered.
A more refined atmosphere hangs around the memory of the Thatched House, that St. James's Street tavern which started on its prosperous career in 1711 and continued it until 1865, at which date the building was taken down to make room for the Conservative Clubhouse. Its title would have led a stranger to expect a modest establishment, but that seems to have been bestowed on the principle which still prevails when a mansion is designated a cottage. It reminds one of Coleridge and his
the Devil did grin, for his darling sin
Is the pride that apes humility.
Swift was conscious of the incongruity of the name, as witness the lines,
The Deanery House may well be match'd,
Under correction, with the Thatch'd.
As a matter of fact the tavern was of the highest class and greatly in repute with the leaders of society and fashion. And its frequenters were not a little proud of being known among its patrons. Hence the delightful retort of the Lord Chancellor Thurlow recorded by Lord Campbell.
In the debates on the Regency, a prim peer, remarkable for his finical delicacy and formal adherence to etiquette, having cited pompously certain resolutions which he said had been passed by a party of noblemen and gentlemen of great distinction at the Thatched House Tavern, the Lord Chancellor Thurlow, in adverting to these said,As to what the noble lord in the red ribbon told us he had heard at the ale-house.
Town residences of a duke and several earls are now the most conspicuous buildings in the Mayfair Stanhope Street, but in the closing years of the eighteenth century there was a tavern here of the name of Pitt's Head. On a June night in 1792 this house was the scene of a gathering which had notable results. The host conceived the idea of inviting a number of the servants of the neighbourhood to a festivity in honour of the King's birthday, one feature of which was to be a dance. The company duly assembled to the number of forty, but some busybody carried news of the gathering to a magistrate who, with fifty constables, quickly arrived on the scene to put an end to the merrymaking. Every servant in the tavern was taken into custody and marched off to a watch-house in Mount Street. News of what had happened spread during the night, and early in the morning the watch-house was surrounded by a furious mob. A riot followed, which was not easily suppressed. But another consequence followed. During the riot the Earl of Lonsdale was stopped in his carriage while passing to his own house, and annoyed by that experience he addressed some curt words to a Captain Cuthbert who was on duty with the soldiers. Of course a duel was the next step. After failing to injure each other at two attempts, the seconds intervened, and insisted that, as their quarrel had arisen through a mutual misconception, and as neither of them would make the first concession, they should advance towards each other, step for step, and both declare, in the same breath, that they were sorry for what had happened.
In pre-railway days Piccadilly could boast of the White Horse Cellar, which
Dickens made famous as the starting-point of Mr. Pickwick for Bath after being
mulct in seven hundred and fifty pounds damages by the fair widow Bardell. The
fact that it was an important coaching depot appears to have been its chief
attraction in those and earlier days, for the novelist's description of the
interior would hardly prove seductive to travellers were the house existing in
its old-time condition. The travellers' room at the White Horse Cellar,
wrote Dickens,
is of course uncomfortable; it would be no travellers' room if it were not. It is the right-hand parlour, into which an aspiring kitchen fireplace appears to have walked, accompanied by a rebellious poker, tongs, and shovel. It is divided into boxes, for the solitary confinement of travellers, and is furnished with a clock, a looking-glass, and a live waiter: which latter article is kept in a small kennel for washing glasses, in a corner of the apartment.
Pierce Egan, in the closing pages of his lively account of Jerry Hawthorn's visit to London, gives an outside view of the tavern only. And that more by suggestion than direct description. It is the bustle of the place rather than its architectural features Egan was concerned with, and in that he was seconded by his artist, George Cruikshank, whose picture of the White Horse Cellar is mostly coach and horses and human beings.
Few if any London taverns save the Adam and Eve can claim to stand upon ground once occupied by a King's palace. This tavern, which has a modern representative of identical name, was situated at the northern end of Tottenham Court Road, at the junction of the road leading to Hampstead. It was built originally on the site of a structure known as King John's Palace, which subsequently became a manor house, and then gave way to the Adam and Eve tavern and gardens. This establishment had a varied career. At one time it was highly respectable; then its character degenerated to the lowest depths; afterwards taking an upward move once more.
Something in the shape of a place for refreshments was standing on this spot
in the mid seventeenth century, for the parish books of St. Giles in the Fields
record that three serving maids were in 1645 fined a shilling each for
drinking at Totenhall Court on the Sabbath daie.
In the eighteenth
century the resort was at the height of its popularity. It had a large room
with an organ, skittle-alleys, and cosy arbours for those who liked to consume
their refreshments out of doors. At one time also its attractions actually
embraced a monkey, a heron, some wild fowl, some parrots, and a small pond
for gold-fish.
It was at this stage in its history, when its surroundings
were more rural than it is possible to imagine to-day, that the tavern was
depicted by Hogarth in his March to Finchley
plate. Early in the last
century, however, it
became a place of more promiscuous resort, and persons of the worst character and description were in the constant habit of frequenting it; highwaymen, footpads, pickpockets, and common women formed its leading visitants, and it became so great a nuisance to the neighbourhood, that the magistrates interfered, the organ was banished, the skittle-grounds destroyed, and the gardens dug up.
A creepy story is told of a subterraneous passage having existed in connection with the manor house which formerly stood on this spot, a passage which many set out to explore but which has kept its secret hidden to this day.
Record has already been made of the fact that there was one
Head tavern at Westminster; it must be added that there was
another at Snow Hill, which disappeared when the Holborn Viaduct was built.
Dickens, who rendered so many valuable services in describing the buildings of
old London, has left a characteristic pen-picture of this tavern.
Near to the jail, and by consequence near to Smithfield, and on that particular part of Snow Hill where omnibuses going eastward seriously think of falling down on purpose, and where horses in hackney cabriolets going westward not unfrequently fall by accident, is the coachyard of the Saracen's Head Inn; its portals guarded by two Saracens' heads and shoulders frowning upon you from each side of the gateway. The Inn itself garnished with another Saracen's head, frowns upon you from the top of the yard. When you walk up this yard you will see the booking-office on your left, and the tower of St. Sepulchre's Church darting abruptly up into the sky on your right, and a gallery of bedrooms upon both sides. Just before you, you will observe a long window with the wordsCoffee Roomlegibly painted above it.
That allusion to St. Sepulchre's Church recalls the fact that in that
building may be seen the brass to the memory of the redoubtable Captain John
Smith, who was to win the glory of laying the first abiding foundations of
English life in America. The brass makes due record of the fact that he was
Admiral of New England,
and it also bears in the coat of arms three
Turks' heads, in memory of Smith's alleged single-handed victory over that
number of Saracens. As Selden pointed out, when Englishmen came home from
fighting the Saracens, and were beaten by them, they, to save their own credit,
pictured their enemy with big, terrible faces, such as frowned at Dickens from
so many coigns of vantage in the old Saracen's Head.
During the closing decade of the famous
Bartholomew Fair - an annual medley of commerce and amusement which had its
origin in the days when it was the great cloth exchange of all England and
attracted clothiers from all quarters - the scene of what was known as the
Pie-Powder Court was located in a 'tavern known as the Hand and Shears.
Concerning this court Blackstone offered this interesting explanation: The
lowest, and, at the same time, the most expeditious court of justice known to
the law of England, is the Court of Pie-Powder, curia pedis pulverizati, so
called from the dusty feet of the suitors.
Another explanation of the name
is that the court was so called because justice is there done as speedily as
dust can fall from the foot.
Whatever be the correct solution, the curious
fact remains that this court was a serious affair, and had the power to enforce
law and deal out punishment within the area of the Fair. There is an excellent
old print of the Hand and Shears in which the court was held, and another not
less interesting picture showing the court engaged on the trial of a case. It
is evident from the garb of the two principal figures that plaintiff and
defendant belonged to the strolling-player fraternity, who always contributed
largely to the amusements of the Fair. This curious example of swift justice,
recalling the Old Testament picture of the judge sitting at the gate of the
city, became entirely a thing of the past when Bartholomew Fair was abolished
in 1854.
There are two other inns, one to the north, the other to the south, the
names of which can hardly escape the notice of the twentieth century visitor to
London. These are the Angel at Islington, and the Elephant and Castle at
Walworth. The former is probably the older of the two, though both were in
their day famous as the starting-places of coaches, just as they are
conspicuous to-day as traffic centres of omnibuses and tram-cars. The Angel
dates back to before 1665, for in that year of plague in London a citizen broke
out of his house in the city and sought refuge here. He was refused admission,
but was taken in at another inn and found dead in the morning. In the
seventeenth century and later, as old pictures testify, the inn presented the
usual features of a large old country hostelry. As such the courtyard is
depicted by Hogarth in his print of the Stage Coach.
Its career has been
uneventful in the main, though in 1767 one of its guests ended his life by
poison, leaving behind this message: I have for fifteen years past suffered
more indigence than ever gentleman before submitted to, I am neglected by my
acquaintance, traduced by my enemies, and insulted by the vulgar.
If he would
complete the circle of his tour on the outskirts of London proper, the pilgrim,
on leaving the Elephant and Castle, should wend his way to Bankside, though not
in the expectation of finding any vestige left of that Falcon tavern which was
the daily resort of Shakespeare and his theatrical companions; Not far from
Blackfriars Bridge used to be Falcon Stairs and the Falcon Glass Works, and
other industrial buildings bearing that name, but no Falcon tavern within
recent memory. It has been denied that Shakespeare frequented the Falcon tavern
which once did actually exist. But so convivial a soul must have had some
house of call,
and there is no reason to rob the memory of the old
Falcon of what would be its greatest honour. Especially does it seem
unnecessary in view of the fact that the Falcon and many another inn and tavern
of old London, has vanished and left not a rack behind.