Researching the history of country houses
Before the Industrial Revolution most wealth came from the land. Even nouveau riches Tudor lawyers and merchants liked to marry into the gentry and/or buy country estates. Land gave security, status and a stake in county affairs. So money was lavished on the country houses from which great estates were run.
As a rule the most substantial house in a medieval village belonged to the lord of the manor. This was the manor house. In East Anglia and northern England they were generally called halls - a reminder that the great hall was their central feature. They would also have a solar or chamber (a private room for the lord and his family), storerooms and a kitchen. Nearby would be stables, a barn, dovecote and other farm buildings. Essentially it was the chief farm of the manor. Often it had a chapel or church alongside and the complex could be surrounded by a moat with a gatehouse.
A castle would have been built by a baron or earl. Such
a man owned many manors, often in several counties.
The Dissolution was a bonanza both
for the established aristocracy and Tudor new men
hungry for lands. Monasteries could be converted into country
houses. Some great men close to the Elizabethan or Jacobean Court built on a palatial scale to
accommodate the monarch and royal entourage on their progresses around the
By the 18th century a castle might be transformed into a grand country house, while the family could have a town house in London, Dublin or Edinburgh. Those seeking royal favour or a part in government needed to live part of the year away from their country estates. The more modest country squire looked after his acres, played a part in local government, and improved his manor house as finances permitted. The more prosperous the family, the more likely they were to replace an older house with a spanking new Georgian mansion in parkland with lodges at its gates. The manor farm could be completely separate by this time, but the mansion would need a stable block and coach house - see Worsley, G., and Rolf, W.C., The British Stable (2004). Other outbuildings could include an ice house, conservatory, and other garden buildings from the mundane to the decorative.
As the fortunes of industrial magnates and the merchant classes began to eclipse wealth from land, some country estates were sold to another generation of nouveau riches, or maintained by marriages to merchant heiresses. The result was much Victorian remodelling of country houses and a wave of new ones built in mock-Gothic or other nostalgic styles.
But as taxation levels and wage bills rose over the first half of the 20th century, many of the grandest country houses became white elephants. Some were demolished. Others have been preserved by opening them to the public, granting them to the National Trust or converting them into hotels.
- Beamon, S. and Roaf, S., The Icehouses of Britain (1990).
- Beckett, M., Lost Heritage. Online gazetteer of demolished English country houses, including those which survive in part or as ruins.
- Bence-Jones, M., A Guide to Irish Country Houses (1988). Aims to be a complete gazetteer.
- Blake, T., Abandoned Ireland. Online record of abandoned, ruined and demolished buildings, mainly country houses.
- DiCamillo, C., Companion to British and Irish Country Houses. Online gazetteer, mainly with brief details only.
- Disley, A., Scotland's Lost Country Houses. Online gazetteer of demolished Scottish country houses
- Emery, A., Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales 1300-1500, Volume 1: Northern England (1996); Volume 2: East Anglia, Central England and Wales (2000); Volume 3: Southern England (2006). Referenced gazetteer.
- Hewerd, J. and Taylor, R., The Country Houses of Northamptonshire, RCMHE (1996). Referenced gazetteer with plans of houses 1500-1800.
- Kingsley, N.W., The Country Houses of Gloucestershire, 3 vols. (1989, 1992, 2001).
- Pearson, S., Barnwell, P.S. and Adams, A.T., A Gazetteer of Medieval Houses in Kent, RCHME (1994).
- Girouard, M., Life in the English Country House: A social and architectural history (1978).
- Gomme, A.H. and Naguire, A., Design and Plan in the Country House from Castle Donjons to Palladian Boxes (2007).
- Gow, I., and Rowan, A., Scottish Country Houses, 1600-1914 (1995). Illustrations from the National Monuments Record of Scotland.
- Hardyment, C., Behind the Scenes: Domestic arrangements in historic houses (1997).
- Palmer, M. and West, I., Technology in the Country House (Historic England 2016).
- For a bibliography of houses in general see houses.
- For a books on interior design see interiors.
- For books on the architecture of specific periods, see the period in the style section
Much has been published on country and town houses of architectural merit. Modern scholarly studies and much primary material can be traced through Colvin's Biographical Dictionary of Architects.
Medieval descriptions of manor houses are rare and usually brief (see manors), but there is a wealth of later material. There are often 18th and 19th-century descriptions with engravings in county histories, and books on castles and country seats, many of which can be traced through published indexes. The Gentleman's Magazine (1731-) may also be useful; its earliest issues can be read online. A published list and alphabetical index to its illustrations 1731-1818 is available online. Published and MS diaries and tour descriptions may have descriptions, comments and even sketches.
From the later 19th century Country Life and local learned journals have descriptions and photographs. Country Life periodically publishes a cumulative index. Local journals may have their own indexes and/or be included in a local studies library index. In recent years a series of books has been published drawing on material from Country Life, including:
- Ian Gow, Scottish Houses and Gardens: From the Archives of Country Life (1997).
- Michael Hall, The English Country House: From the Archives of Country Life (2001).
- Mary Miers, The English Country House: From the Archives of Country Life (2009)
- Jeremy Musson, The English Manor House: From the Archives of Country Life (1999).
- John Martin Robinson, The Regency Country House : From the Archives of Country Life (2005).
Family archives
Family papers may include deeds, architect's plans, building accounts, letters from architects, room-by-room inventories, and photographs. Such archives may remain in private hands, or be deposited in the British Library or the local record office most convenient to the family. Large private archives may have a catalogue published by the Historical Manuscripts Commission or the owner.
Estate papers: a family with a large country house generally also owned a large estate with many other buildings on it: lodges, houses, farms, pubs, mills, forges. One family could own several villages or a city suburb. Their estate records are often held in the same archive as the more personal family papers, but some may be retained by an estate office.
Guides to locations of family and estate papers:
- The National Register of Archives Family and Estate Index.
- A. Elton et al, Researching the Country House: A guide for local historians (1992) has a select list of locations of the estate archives of country houses open to the public in the UK and Ireland.
- The Connacht Landed Estates Database is a resource guide to landed estates and gentry houses in Connacht, c. 1700-1914. It lists a mass of estate records in the National Archives of Ireland, and also includes data from Griffith's Valuation.
- For medieval records see manors.
Family history
There may be a published family history: see T.R. Thomson (ed), A Catalogue of British Family Histories (3rd edn 1980). Otherwise see GEC, The Complete Peerage; Burke's Family Index (1976); The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (2004); The History of Parliament (biographies of MPs). Harleian Record Society volumes (listed in Mullins) give many pedigrees, along with the family coat of arms. For the latter see also Sir B. Burke, The General Armory of England, Scotland and Wales (1884).
- Engravings: see above under Descriptions. And see image indexes.
- Paintings may remain in the house (especially panel paintings) or with
the owner.
Where paintings have changed hands, try the Courtauld, who may have a photograph. John Harris (1979) provides an illustrated catalogue to country house paintings in private hands and public collections.
- Drawings: search local and national topographical collections - see Museums for some combined online databases.
- Photographs: the National Monuments Record Centre has the largest collection including published and unpublished pre-1950 Country Life photographs (at more reasonable cost than direct from Country Life). Similar collections in the National Monuments Record of Wales, the National Monuments Record of Scotland and the Monuments and Buildings Record (NI).
- Maps: county maps will be held by the local record office or library; for estate maps see family archives above.
See also general sources for houses. Where the house was fortified, see castles. For Scotland see Scottish Baronial.