Using wills and probate inventories in building history
In general it was the more affluent citizen who left a will in past centuries. Such a person could leave a charitable bequest for building work on a church or almshouse, or specify burial or funeral arrangements in ways that reveal architectural detail or layout. See medieval sources for chantries.
More revealing of domestic layout are the probate
inventories. Legally from 1529 to 1782 in England and Wales an inventory of the
deceased's goods was required from his executor before probate was granted.
Assessors often listed the person's possessions room by room. Where they
survive, inventories should be housed with the related wills. An inventory
could still be made after 1782 if desired, but they peter out after this time
and are not found with wills after 1858, when the system of probate changed.
Some inventories survive in family papers. Most
inventories must be read in manuscript, but
some are in print (see list below). A glossary may be helpful.
How to find a will or inventory
The Church was responsible for proving wills until the Reformation in Scotland and until 1858 in England, Ireland and Wales. In general if the deceased had property only in one place, the will could be proved in the local archdeacon's court. If he or she had property in more than one place within a diocese, the will would be proved in the diocesan court. If the deceased had property in more than one diocese, the will would be proved in the prerogative court of Armagh, Canterbury, or York, as appropriate. If the deceased's property fell in more than one province, then the will was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Your Archives has a helpful list of online probate indexes. The national ones are also noted below.
Those wills proved in the archdeacon's court or the diocesan court are now generally to be found in the relevant county record office. Wills of the Diocese of Exeter were destroyed in the Blitz, but were calendared in typescript before WW2; these calendars are in the Westcountry Studies Library. PCY wills are now in the Borthwick Institute. PCC wills are in the National Archives; all of them (more than a million covering the period 1384 to 1858) can be searched online at Documents Online; there is a small fee to download an image of the will itself. The British Record Society has published indexes to those wills in the National Archives and a number of other locations - see Mullins. Also a number of wills have been published in transcript by record societies. The volumes for Lincoln and London are online at British History Online.
Few Irish wills survive from before 1780. Abstracts of the records of the Prerogative Court of Armagh are in the National Archives of Ireland. Most of the originals were destroyed by fire in 1922. See Index to the Prerogative Wills of Ireland 1536-1810 ed. Sir Arthur Vicars (Dublin 1897).
All wills proved in Welsh diocesan courts before 1858 are in the National Library of Wales. These have been digitised and the images are online. Note that the wills of people with property in more than one diocese would have been been proved in the PCC.
In Scotland very few wills survive from the period of Church jurisdiction. After the Reformation of 1560 commissary courts took over the duties of the former church courts until 1823, when they were succeeded by sheriff's courts. Records are kept at the National Archives of Scotland. Scottish wills 1500-1925 are online at Scotland's People. Records up to 1800 have been indexed by the Scottish Record Society.
Guides to probate records
- Gibson, J. and Churchill, E., Probate Jurisdictions: Where To Look For Wills, 5th edition (Federation of Family History Societies, 2002).
- Goose, N. (ed.), When Death Do Us Part : Understanding and interpreting the probate records of early modern England (2000).
- Grannum, K. and Taylor, N., Wills and Other Probate Records: a practical guide to researching your ancestors' last documents (The National Archives, 2nd edn. 2009).
- Overton, M., A Bibliography of British Probate Inventories (1983).
- Probate Records: National Archives leaflet available online.
- And see aids to reading, translating and understanding manuscripts, which includes glossaries of terms used in probate inventories.
Probate inventories: transcripts and indexes
England: Mixed counties
- Earwaker, J.P. (ed.), Lancaster and Cheshire Wills and Inventories, 3 vols, The Chetham Society, New Series, vols. 3, 28 and 37 (1884, 1893, 1897).
- Prerogative Court of Canterbury: Paper inventories 1661-c.1725, List and Index Society, vol. 149 (1978).
- Prerogative Court of Canterbury: Inventories, ser. 2, Pt. 1 : 1702, 1718-33; Pt. 2 : 1734-82, with index, List and Index Society, vols. 85-6 (1973).
- Raine, J. (ed.), Wills and Inventories Illustrative of the History ...of the Northern Counties of England, (part 1) Surtees Society vol. 1 (1835). From 11th century to 1581, mainly from the Durham diocesan registry.
- Raine, J. (ed.), Wills and Inventories from the Registry of the Archdeaconry of Richmond, Surtees Society vol. 26 (1853). Portions of the counties of York, Westmorland, Cumberland, and Lancaster 1442-1579.
- Raine, J. (ed.), Testamenta Eboracensia: A selection of wills from the registry at York, Surtees Society vol. 45 (1865). 1395-1491. Includes some early inventories.
- Stell P. (ed. and trans.), Probate inventories of the York Diocese, 1350-1500, The Archaeology of York: Historical sources for York archaeology after AD1100, 2, fasc. 3 (2006), pp. 487-711.
England by historic counties:
- Emmison, F.G., Jacobean Household Inventories, Bedfordshire Historical Record Society vol. 20 (1938). 1606-20.
- Mortimer, I. (ed.), Berkshire Probate Accounts, 1583-1712, Berkshire Record Society, vol. 4 (1999).
- England E. (transcriber), Probate Inventory of William Tyndall M.P., 1 January 1559. With glossary.
- George, E. and S., Guide to the Probate Inventories of the British Deanery of the Diocese of Bristol (1988). Index.
- George, E. and S., Bristol Probate Inventories: Part 1, 1542-1650, Bristol Record Society vol. 54 (2002).
- George, E. and S., Bristol Probate Inventories: Part 2, 1657-1689, Bristol Record Society vol. 57 (2005).
- George, E. and S., Bristol Probate Inventories: Part 3, 1690-1804, Bristol Record Society vol. 60 (2008).
- Moore, J.S. (ed.), Clifton and Westbury Probate Inventories 1609-1761, (Avon Local History Association 1981).
- Blundell, J.H., Inventory of Toddington Manor House, 1644, Publications of the Buckinghamshire Historical Records Society, vol. 11 (1927), pp. 129-36.
- Hunt, J., Bettridge, R. and Toplis, A. (eds.), Index to Buckinghamshire Probate Records 1420 to 1660, Buckinghamshire Record Society, vol. 32 (2001).
- Reed, M. (ed.), Buckinghamshire Probate Inventories, 1661-1714, Buckinghamshire Record Society vol. 24 (1988).
- Winslow Wills and Inventories (online transcripts by members of the Winslow History Project.)
- Bland, T. (ed.), Wills and Inventories with Related Documents for Christleton, Tarvin, Tattenhall and Waverton for the Period 1546-1650. Vol. 2 : 1606-1616, 2 vols. (Four Parishes Research Group, 2003).
- Groves, J. and Higginbottom, P. (eds.), Bowdon Wills: Wills and Probate Inventories from a Cheshire Township, part 1: 1600-1650 (1997).
- Groves, J. and Higginbottom, P. (eds.), Bowdon Wills: Wills and Probate Inventories from a Cheshire Township, part 2: 1651-1689 (1999).
- Groves, J. and Higginbottom, P. (eds.), Bowdon Wills: Wills and Probate Inventories from a Cheshire Township, part 3: 1690-1760 (1999).
- Groves, J. and Higginbottom, P. (eds.), Ashton-on-Mersey and Sale Wills : Wills and probate inventories from two Cheshire townships, part. 1, 1600-1650 (1999).
- Groves, J. and Higginbottom, P. (eds.), Ashton-on-Mersey and Sale Wills : Wills and probate inventories from two Cheshire townships, part 2, 1651-1700 (2000).
- Groves, J. and Higginbottom, P. (eds.), Ashton-on-Mersey and Sale Wills : Wills and probate inventories from two Cheshire townships, part 3 : 1701-60; (2002).
- Pearson, M. (ed.), The Wills and Inventories of the Ancient Parishes of Malpas, Tilston and Shocklach and their Townships in the County of Chester from 1508 to 1603 (Malpas and District Local History Group, 2005).
- Bestall, J.M. and Fowkes, D.V. (eds.), Chesterfield Wills and Inventories, 1521-1603, Derbyshire Record Society vol. 1 (1977).
- Bestall, J.M. and Fowkes, D.V. (eds.), Chesterfield Wills and Inventories, 1604-1650, Derbyshire Record Society vol. 28 (2001).
- Bryant, R., Lee, A. and Miller, E., Wills and Inventories of New Mills People, 2 vols (1995). 1540-1582.
- Lee, A. and Miller, E., Wills and Inventories of New Mills People, Book 3: 1586-1607 (New Mills Local History Society 1999).
- Wills and Inventories for the Parish of Eckington in North Derbyshire (Univ. of Sheffield, 1995).
- Cash, M. (ed.), Devon Inventories of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Devon and Cornwall Record Society New Series vol. 11 (1966).
- Wyatt, P., The Uffculme Wills and Inventories : 16th to 18th Centuries, (Devon and Cornwall Record Society Publications, n.s. vol. 40 (1997).
- Machin, R., (ed.), Probate Inventories and Manorial Excerpts of Chetnole, Leigh and Yetminster (Bristol University 1976).
- Atkinson, J.A., Flynn, B., Portass, V., Singlehurst, K. and Smith, H.J. (eds.), Darlington Wills and Inventories 1600-1625, Surtees Society, vol. 201 (1993).
- Drury, J. L., Inventories in the probate records of the diocese of Durham, Archaeologia Aeliana, 5th ser., vol. 28 (2000), 177-91.
- Greenwell, W. (ed.), Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham (part 2), Surtees Society vol. 38 (1860). 1563-99.
- Hodgson, J.C. (ed.), Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham (part 3), Surtees Society vol. 112 (1906). 1543-1602.
- Wood, H.M., Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham (part 4), Surtees Society vol. 142 (1929). 1604-49.
- Steer, F.W., Farm and Cottage Inventories of Mid-Essex, 1635-1749, Essex Record Office Publications, vol. 8 (1950); revised edn. (1965).
- Broadway, J., The probate inventory of Phillip Greene, a Restoration brickmaker in Gloucester, 1685, Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, vol. 121 (2003), pp. 233-41.
- Moore, J.S. (ed.), The Goods and Chattels of Our Forefathers: Frampton Cotterell and district probate inventories 1539-1804 (1976).
- Sale, A. J. H., Cheltenham probate records, 1660-1740, Gloucestershire Record Series vol. 12 (1999).
- Willis, A. J. (ed.), Wills, Administrations and Inventories with the Winchester Diocesan Records (1968).
- Roberts, E. and Parker, K., Southampton Probate Inventories, 1447-1575, 2 vols., Southampton Records Series, vols. 34 and 35 (1992).
- Ledbury Wills and Inventories 1541-1700: online transcripts.
- Adams, B. (ed.), Hertford Wills and Inventories 1660-1725, Hertfordshire Record Society vol. 13 (1997).
- Munby, L. (ed.), Life and Death in King's Langley: Wills and inventories, 1488-1659 (1981).
- Parker, M. (ed.). All My Worldly Goods : Vol. 2 : Wills and probate inventories of St Stephen's Parish, St Albans 1418-1700 (Bricket Wood Society, 2004).
- Lansberry, H. C. F., Sevenoaks Wills and Inventories in the Reign of Charles II, Kent Records, vol. 25 (1988).
- Angells to Yarwindels : The wills and inventories of twenty-six Elizabethan and Jacobean women living in the area now called St Helens, (St. Helens Association for Research into Local History, 1999).
- Ashmore, O.,
Household inventories of the Lancashire gentry, 1550-1700
,Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, vol. 110 (1959 for 1958), 59-105.
- Wilshere, J. (ed.), Braunstone Probate Inventories 1532-1778 (1981).
- Wilshere, J. (ed.), Evington Probate Inventories 1557-1819 (1982).
- Wilshere, J. (ed.), Glenfield Probate Inventories 1542-1831 (1983).
- Wilshere, J. (ed.), Great Stretton : History, parish registers, probate inventories (1984).
- Wilshere, J. (ed.), Kirby Muxloe Probate Inventories 1547-1783 (1983).
- Wilshere, J. (ed.), Ratby Probate Inventories 1621-1844 (1984).
- Wilson, J. H. (ed.), Wymondham Inventories (1590-1641) (1983).
- Ambler, R. W. and Watkinson, B. and L. (eds.), Farmers and Fishermen: The probate inventories of the Ancient Parish of Clee, South Humberside 1536-1742 (1987).
- Johnston, J.A. (ed.), Probate Inventories of Lincoln Citizens, 1661-1714, Lincoln Record Society vol. 80 (1991).
- Curle, B. R. (ed.), Kensington and Chelsea Probate Inventories, 1672-1734 (1970).
- Darlington, I. (ed.), London Consistory Court wills, 1492-1547, London Record Society, vol. 3 (1967).
- Guildhall Library, Indexes to Probate Inventories of the Peculiar Court of the Dean and Chapter of St Paul's Cathedral.
- Jenkins, S., An inventory of his Grace the Duke of Chandos's seat att [sic] Cannons taken June the 19th 1725 by John Gilbert, Walpole Society, vol. 67 (2005), pp. 93-192.
- Wait, J., 17th century lifestyle : two probate inventories, East London Record, vol. 3 (1980), pp. 24-8.
- Brinkworth, E. R. C. and Gibson, J. S.W. (eds.), Banbury Wills and Inventories, 2 vols., Banbury Historical Society, vols. 13 and 14 (1976, 1985).
- Havinden, M. (ed.), Household and Farm Inventories in Oxfordshire, 1550-1590, Oxford Record Society vol. 44 and Historical Manuscripts Commission Joint Publication 10 (1965).
- Offord, V. E. (ed.), The Probate documents of Water Eaton, Oxfordshire, 1592-1730 (1986).
- Kennedy, P.A. (ed.), Nottinghamshire Household Inventories, Thoroton Society vol. 22 (1963). Inventories from the probate records of the peculiar court of Southwell, 1512-68.
- Trinder, B. and Cox, J. (eds.), Miners and mariners of the Severn Gorge : Probate inventories for Benthall, Broseley, Little Wenlock, and Madeley, 1660-1764 (2000).
- Trinder, B. and Cox, J. (eds.), Yeomen and Colliers in Telford: Probate Inventories for Wellington, Wrockwardine, Lilleshall and Dawley (1980).
- Webb, A. J., Index of Somerset Probate Inventories (1995).
- Bodfish, M., Probate Inventories of Smethwick Residents 1647-1747 (Smethwick Local History Society 1992).
- Roper, J. S. (ed.), Sedgley Probate Inventories 1614-1787 [1961].
- Vaisey, D. G., Probate Inventories of Litchfield and District, 1568-1680, Staffordshire Record Society, 4th series, vol. 5 (1969).
- May, P., Newmarket Inventories 1662-1715 (1976).
- Reed, M. (ed.), The Ipswich Probate Inventories, 1583-1631, Suffolk Records Society vol. 22 (1981).
- Tymms, S., Wills and Inventories from the registers of the Commissary of Bury St Edmunds and the Archdeaconry of Sudbury, Camden Society, vol. 49 (1850).
- Herridge, D. M. (ed.), Surrey Probate Inventories, 1558-1603, Surrey Record Society, vol. 39 (2005).
- Holman, J. and Herridge, M. (eds.), Index of Surrey Probate Inventories: 16th-19th Centuries (Domestic Buildings Research Group 1986).
- Kenyon, G.H., Kirdford inventories, 1611-1776, Sussex Archaeological Collections, vol. 93 (1955).
- Kenyon, G.H., Kirdford inventories, 1611-1776, Sussex Archaeological Collections, vol. 98 (1960).
- Goldring, E., The Earl of Leicester's Household Inventory of Kenilworth Castle, c.1578, English Heritage Historical Review, 2 (2007), pp. 36-58.
- Jones, J. (ed.), Stratford-upon-Avon Inventories, 1538-1699, vol. 1, Dugdale Society Publications, vol. 39 (2002).
- Jones, J. (ed.), Stratford-upon-Avon Inventories, 1538-1699, vol. 2 : 1626-1699, Dugdale Society Publications vol. 40 (2003).
- Upton, A. A., Foleshill Probate Wills and Inventories 1535-1599 (1993).
- Anne, Lady Beauchamp's inventory at Edington, Wiltshire, 1665, Wiltshire Archaeology and Natural History Magazine, vol. 58 (1963), pp. 383-93.
- Vernon, T., Inventory of Henry Sharington, contents of Lacock House, 1575, Wiltshire Archaeology and Natural History Magazine, vol. 63, (1968), pp. 72-82.
- Williams, L. and Thomson, S. (eds.), Marlborough probate inventories 1591-1775, Wiltshire Record Society, vol. 59 (2007).
- Dyer, A.D. (ed.), Probate Inventories of Worcester Tradesmen, 1545-1614, Miscellany II, Worcester Historical Society, New Series, vol. 5. (1967).
- Roper, J. S. (ed.), Dudley Probate Inventories [1544-1685], 3 vols (1965, 1966, 1968).
- Wanklyn, M. (ed.), Inventories of Worcestershire Landed Gentry 1537-1786, Worcestershire Historical Society, n.s., vol. 16 (1998).
- Berry, E. K. (ed.), Swaledale Wills and Inventories, 1522-1600, Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Record series, vol. 152 (1998).
- Brears, P. C. D., Yorkshire Probate Inventories, 1542-1689, Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series, vol. 134 (1972).
- Vickers, N., A Yorkshire Town of the Eighteenth Century : The probate inventories of Whitby, North Yorkshire, 1700-1800 (1986).
Ireland: Cork
- Caulfield, R. (ed.), Wills and inventories, Cork, Gentleman's Magazine (1861, May), 530-2; (1861, July), 33-7; (1861, Sept.), 257-62; (1861, Nov.), 501-5; (1862, Jan.), 28-31; (1862, Feb.), 165-8; (1862, Apr.), 439-44; (1862, June), 710-14; (1862, Sept.), 299-302.
Scotland: Argyll
- Bigwood, F., The Commissary Court of Argyll : A calendar of testaments, inventories, commissary processes and other records (1686-1825) (2001).